These five misunderstandings of private domain operations, more than 90%of the catering owners will be recruited

Author:Red dining net Time:2022.07.29

The restoration of the food is not in a hurry; the small dining companies do not need to do it; just do the number of members ... For private operations, catering people still have a lot of cognitive misunderstandings so far, which leads to the decline of the digital upgrade of the enterprise.

This article was originally launched by the red meal network (ID: hongcan18), author: Yanzi.

The impact of the epidemic on the catering industry continues the third year, and many dining companies have encountered decline and closure. However, at the same time, some food companies still maintain a significant increase in performance. For example Fortunately, the counterattack became the unicorn that exceeded Starbucks ...

Recently, the Red Meal Network resumed a group of growing food companies and found that they all had one thing in common -the effectiveness of private domain operations was obvious.

According to Yum: At the end of 2021, the membership plans of KFC and Pizza Hut had a total of more than 360 million members. In the fourth quarter of 2021, membership sales accounted for about 60%of the system sales. According to Tencent's "2021 Guidelines for the Growth of the Smart Retail Private Domain", as of August 2021, McDonald's total number of members has been close to 200 million, and the trading order of McDonald's Mini Program can reach about 70%.

Under the strong member system of the giants, the strong repurchase power has quickly increased the turnover of the company. Members are just one of the important forms of private domain operations.

No consumer brand does not pay attention to user management; without a brand, it can be new for users to operate without force. Especially under the influence of the epidemic, the digitalization process of the entire industry has accelerated, and the construction and management of dining companies in private domain has become a compulsory course. It is the guarantee and help of enterprises to maintain long -term competitiveness and improve profits.

However, from the perspective of the industry, a reality that cannot be ignored is: two years have passed, and most of the cognitive cognition of the private domain operations still has a lot of misunderstandings, and the ability to operate in private domain is still relatively weak.

Yesterday, Micro -League Smart Catering released the "White Paper Operation White Paper for the private domain of the 2022 catering industry". For 16 years in the industry, he summarized the five major misunderstandings of the current catering owner in the private area operation and practice of the private area. At the same time, he also threw the corresponding solution.

Misunderstanding 1: When there is an epidemic, you need to operate in a private domain when there is an epidemic.

Truth: In the era when management requires benefits, not doing private domain must be eliminated

The epidemic blocks consumers to the store. Many restaurants have been cut in turnover. In the face of the impact of the epidemic in more than two years, more and more restaurant companies have begun to attach importance to private operations. But in fact, so far, many catering bosses are still hesitating to wait and see, and have not taken any action.

Bai Yu has been in contact with many such catering bosses. The epidemic comes and feels very urgent in private domain operations. He is anxious to "get on the horse" and want to see the results immediately. Once the epidemic becomes stable, the dangers have recovered, and the private domain operation will be operated. After the mind is thrown, I always say "Don't worry, the most important thing to serve the customer first."

In Bai Yu's opinion, the main obstacles and difficulties of food companies' private domain operations lies in the limitation of the boss's cognitive. The essence of not seeing through the private domain is actually improving the overall management level of food companies, so as to obtain greater business opportunities.

"In the early years, the catering market is smaller than demand. As long as the products and services are done well, companies can make money without high management levels, but as the development of the catering industry is becoming mature and competition is becoming increasingly fierce. The problem of low 'is becoming more and more serious, and the profit margin of the enterprise is constantly compressed. This is the stage of the efficiency of management. The competition is the level of refined management.

Only through the refined management of digital support can the opportunity to help food companies get more passenger flow and revenue. For example, the "2022 Catering Industry Private Domain Operation White Paper" mentioned is precisely because of seeing the digitalization of consumers. Great challenges and business opportunities, KFC, McDonald's, Starbucks and other internationally renowned catering brands have been involved in the construction of catering private domains since 5 years ago. The large -scale reaching and link consumers have continuously appreciated the digital assets of the brand, which has maintained the driving force for continuous growth in adversity.

Since the development of the catering industry, private domain operations are no longer a choice question, but have become important positions and infrastructure of brand digital marketing, consumer management, and important positions and infrastructure for corporate value -added and realization. It is the cornerstone of enterprises to become bigger and stronger, sustainable and healthy. When the surrounding competitors are doing and constantly upgrading, companies that do not do will inevitably be eliminated by the market.

Any system construction takes a longer time. If the system construction can be opened earlier, the higher the chance of success, the lower the implementation cost, and the benefit effect will naturally be better. Obviously, because of the lack of cognition of catering private domain, managers of many enterprises are not enough, they are not sensitive to the changes in business operations, and they lack professional talents in private domains. Determine to let the company lose the digital dividend of the brand in vain.

Misunderstanding 2: Private domain operation is a matter of large enterprises, small food companies do not need

Truth: The competitive environment is the same.

Compared with small food companies, many chain food companies are currently more enthusiastic about the operation of private domains. In this regard, Bai Yu believes that one is that there are more consumers in the service of chain food companies, and the effect of enterprises in private domain operations is relatively obvious, and it is easy to see achievements. The second is that large chain companies are more likely to hire outstanding management talents, and they can recognize the necessity and value of refined management in advance. Due to the limited energy, ability and high trial and error cost, the private domain operation enthusiasm is relatively low. In this regard, Bai Yu pointed out that from a logical point of view, private domain operations are done by every company, because whether it is a chain and a small and micro -catering enterprise, everyone faces the same competitive environment. The "member life cycle" is also the same. They all need to attract more new customers and increase the repurchase rate of veterans.

Chinese restaurants with a small number of stores and a large number of stores but a large scale of single stores. These companies can effectively increase the brand's awareness and increase the frequency of customers entering the store. As a result, consumers' brand loyalty The store can still obtain stable revenue in the form of takeaway, community group purchase and other forms. Single shop boss, although there are few general customers in service, they also need to make a certain private domain marketing at a relatively low -cost investment to make good use of tools and other tools to retain customers to the greatest extent.

Misunderstanding 3: Enterprise micro operation can replace the original membership system

Truth: Enterprise micro operation is the upgrade tool for members to achieve enhanced effects

Most of the catering bosses' awareness of the operation of private domain still stays on "with WeChat, group information, and friends circle advertisements." Although it has a certain effect, the individual account is limited to the number of members of the group, and it is impossible to accurately understand user portraits. The personal number of WeChat is used to advertise in the customer circle of customers. It is time -consuming and laborious.

In fact, with the development of information technology, the way merchants and customers communicate are becoming more and more diverse, and the carrier of private domain operations is constantly being upgraded. The reach efficiency and conversion efficiency of various new carriers are getting higher and higher. The "2022 Catering Industry Private Domain Operation White Paper" released by the Weimeng Smart Catering mentioned that in the entire private domain operation system, membership management of food companies needs to be upgraded to the company's WeChat outside SMS and personal WeChat. Better and more accurate private domain operations.

Around 2019, enterprises have gradually become popular, and their functions have continued to deepen, becoming an important carrier for private domain operations. It follows the underlying logic of WeChat, which can integrate a variety of channels to connect with users on WeChat such as service numbers/public accounts, small programs, video numbers such as public accounts, small programs, video numbers, etc. in the past. It is also significantly better than other tools in terms of membership's reach.

Compared with the average touch rate of the public account, the average touch rate is only 3%. If the merchant uses the company to send information to the user, it will be directly displayed in the WeChat list. At this time, the reach rate is increased to 80%. improve.

"This is only one of the core functions of enterprise micro, and it also has many powerful functions such as setting labels for customers. We can understand the company's micro -light CRM (customer relationship management system)." Enterprise micro has become an important infrastructure for private domain operations. The positioning of enterprises itself is an efficient private domain operation tool, and it is the reinforcement of the existing member system. In addition, through the content marketing of the public account and video number, the transformation carrier of the applet can maximize the value of the private domain operation. Essence

Misunderstanding 4: The key to doing private domain operations is to do the number of members

Truth: "Runch" is easy. The difficulty is operation and maintenance

For private domain operations, many catering bosses pay particular attention to membership volume, and feel that as long as the quantity is done, this is actually a big misunderstanding. Bai Yu said that accumulating a certain amount of membership first is the basis for the operation of private domain. Only when a certain amount is reached, the superposition effect of the operation will be more obvious. But in fact, "rush" is easy for operators. The difficulty is to keep members sticky. Just like raising a pond fish, the better how to raise the fish, the better.

For example, some meal companies have accumulated a large number of members, but when they want to take takeaway on their own small procedures and want to change the habit of ordering customers from the platform, the process is very difficult. It takes a long time and cost and cost. Cultivate. "Usually not operating, not interacting, once it is forced by the environment, there is no grabbing point."

The "White Paper of the private domain operation of the 2022 catering industry" detailed the systemic process of private domain construction, including three major stages: traffic collection, operation management and value -added monetization. One of the means and methods of the collection of traffic is to use the scanning and ordering link of the restaurant store to make consumers a member through program guidance. This process is one of the high -quality ways of cumulative members.

However, the accumulation of membership data for enterprises only represents the beginning of the construction of private domains. Its core work is operation management, interacting with consumers through various event marketing and content marketing. The work in this regard requires professional teams, with practical methods and advanced tools.

The specific actions of operation management include but are not limited to: how to make customers not retreat group or delete friends; how to allow customers to interact more in the group; how to make revenue in the community, guide customers to transform; New customers; how to build a closed loop of micro -private domains in the enterprise. "These have a set of methodology, the purpose is to keep the customer and let it follow the brand." Bai Yu explained.

"However, many enterprises lack professional operation capabilities, which will lead to the great discount of private domain construction. Many data and members do not exert their due value. The essence is the lack of professional capabilities for private domain operations." Misunderstanding 5: Digital upgrade is the upgrade tool and system

Truth: The tool is just the foundation. The core of the private domain is the operation of the system

The epidemic accelerated the digital transformation of the catering industry, shortening the survival of the fittest that it had been completed in five or even seven years to two or three years.

As a result, many catering bosses have known about the operation of private domain. They believe that digital upgrade is to buy a member system and upgrade the cash register system. After updating the tools and systems, the catering owner will find that some efficiency has indeed improved, but the effect does not meet expectations.

For the reason, Bai Yu believes that the first layer of digital upgrade is the tool upgrade (infrastructure upgrade), but today the food company needs to improve not only a tool, it is a long -term construction process, including all aspects of the enterprise. In addition to digitalization of online operations, it also includes digitalization of stores and supply chains. Each section needs to upgrade, operate and upgrade, and upgrade each section to improve the overall operating efficiency of the enterprise.

The operation management upgrade is to effectively organize technology, tools, and solution strategies to implement the purpose of open source and throttling in daily operations.

Taking membership operation as an example, the effects of different strategies to enterprises are different. For example, the operating method of the stored -value member is "10 % discounted by 10,000 yuan for 10,000 yuan", and the other is "the storage value of 10,000 yuan for 100 yuan for vouchers". Essence

It is also for consumers to give consumers 1,000 yuan. The latter has higher benefits for merchants. Not only the final discount rate is higher than the former, but it can also drive customers to continue to enter the store and create more revenue. Whatever method, it achieves the purpose of attracting consumers at low cost.

"Operations are very tested and wisdom. Without professional people, catering bosses need a lot of trial and error to explore the best operation methods." Bai Yu said.

Taking the "Three Stores, Open Source and Slotions" solutions provided by the Weimeng Smart Catering as a dining company as an example, in addition to opening an offline store, the restaurant can also open a small program member takeaway shop and mall store. The background of the store is supported by a complete technical system, including infrastructure construction (traffic collection), operational services, value -added monetization, and ecological services.

This system has completely covered the software, hardware, services and resources of the construction of a private domain system for chain catering enterprises. It is a real one -stop and interactive engineering service system. It can solve the various problems faced by chain catering brands in the process of private domain construction, and help the digital transformation of brand companies into reality.


Stimulated by the epidemic, the urgency of the operation of catering private domain is prominent. At present, various institutions, platforms, and service providers are selling related knowledge and services, making it difficult for many catering bosses to form independent judgments. In addition to the above -mentioned misunderstandings, Bai Yu believes that there are still two big challenges in the operation of food companies in private domain operations.

From the beginning of 2018 to the present, the complexity of tools and operations is getting higher and higher. Whether it is the individual of the boss or the entire department of the food company, it will cross the river with stones. Try and error "tuition".

Moreover, in the process of digital transformation, many dining companies have adopted the tools or services of a number of manufacturers. The lack of connection and connection between the systems has led to the large upgrade cost, but it has not formed an ideal integrated effect. Essence

The biggest significance of the "2022 Catering Industry Private Domain Operation White Paper" released by the Micro -League Smart Catering is to enhance the overall awareness of the industry and help food companies more comprehensively understand the operation of private domain operations.

According to the Red Late Network, the "White Paper of the private domain operation of the 2022 catering industry" also shared a large number of industry operating data and practical cases. Public domain operations, etc., can inspire and reference to food companies to avoid taking detours, and in the era of digitalization, to allow dining companies to improve adaptability.

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