Time comments 丨 Don't let the overtime culture ruin the body of young people

Author:Zhejiang Daily Time:2022.07.29

Zhejiang News Client commentator Zhang Ping

Visual China Photo Conferry

Recently, a 22 -year -old girl in Hangzhou, Zhejiang stayed up late to faint, and was sent to the ICU to rescue a few days later, which attracted a lot of attention. The girl's father said, "I hope the children will take care of themselves hard work", while the company executives said that there is nothing to say and find legal affairs. Hangzhou Binjiang District Human Resources and Social Affairs Bureau reported that the relevant units have been involved in the investigation.

The 22 -year -old flower season girl, the grassland bid farewell to the world in the ICU. The doctors go all out and their family's prayer and hope, and they cannot keep her. Such a tragedy is really unbearable. My father's instructions in front of the screen are more like a child who goes to himself. At this point, if the girl really said after the emergency doctor said, the girl was ill after continuous overtime, the legal discussion at the legal level should not be drawn with the end of life.

Netizens who sympathize with girls want to know how much responsibility for the company in this tragedy. The young people who are still working overtime want to confirm how their labor rights should be claimed.

Girls are not the only victims of overtime culture. In recent years, cases of sudden death of young people have occurred many times. The message below the news directly proves how common this phenomenon is. "Former company will rank the data of the punching cards every month. The first few rankings can count the daily check -in time of up to 17 or 8 hours, it is really exaggerated." How wrongdo it was made "" I saw her encounter, I was surprised that I should get off work "...

Everyone hates overtime, but in order to keep work and have to work overtime, this malformations have troubled people in the workplace.

But on the other hand, the conclusion of "overtime culture promotes economic growth" is very marketable. Many people have the first impression. In fact, whether the two are positive, it is questionable. Fan Gang, a well -known economist, once said that 996 has not contributed to GDP growth, but it has an impact on the quality of life. The reason why our consumption level is relatively low is that our leisure level is relatively low in a certain sense. "Human progress is largely reflected in leisure time. The problem now is the problem of personal needs and the conflict of corporate needs. If overtime becomes a form, it becomes a corporate culture. If you also work overtime, that is a problem, that is, spend everyone's time and energy. "

Take a step back, even if overtime has a positive effect, then what is the purpose of development? What is the purpose of personal money? Don't let the young people who are defeated by the body, you can hear the doctor and say, "Fate and money, you choose one." This is the most basic guarantee of a normal healthy society and the prerequisite for the sustainable development of a country.

When overtime culture has endangered the health of young people, it is necessary to oppose it. There is no blurred area in this simple truth, and no smart person is required to prove it.

In fact, no matter what age, you have time to smell the fragrance of flowers, sunbathing the quilt, and feel the tenderness of the world and the beauty of life, and you should not become a luxury thing. Of course, whether it can be achieved is not only the choice of society, but also the choice of individuals.

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