2022 Golden Wheat Quality Award revealed that e -commerce products with this advantage become the biggest winner

Author:Zhejiang Daily Time:2022.07.29

Ji Wenlei, a trainee of Zhejiang News Client, Ji Wenlei

In the context of consumption upgrades, quality consumption has become a new demand for consumption. On July 28, the 2022 Golden Wheat Quality Awards ceremony with the theme of "Born for Quality" was held in Hangzhou. The awards ceremony aims to awards e -commerce products that reflect the pursuit of excellence and innovation in the new consumption wave. A total of 152 quality awards were awarded at the scene, Aihua Shi Fairy Box, WonderLAB Little Blue Bottle Probiotics, Sumita Kawagawa Coffee Bargaining Capsule Coffee Liquid, Bosh Dengjiao's Sunshine Series, Oaks Light Sound Wall Breaking Machine Gold Wheat Quality Award.

Today, the term "quality" has been given more connotations. It not only represents product quality, but also includes a comprehensive upgrade in the direction of intelligent innovation, brand creativity, product function, and after -sales service. Therefore, this year's Golden Wheat Quality Award focuses on those products with both innovative vitality and ingenuity, and combined with national -level quality inspection institutions, associations, authoritative media, and KOL formed a professional review team. In this link, this year's Golden Mai Award quality award was selected.

This awards ceremony announced a total of 10 quality industry awards and 3 quality special awards, and a total of 152 awards were awarded, which comprehensively demonstrated the quality creation of brands such as beauty, mother and baby, clothing, and home improvement. It is worth mentioning that this year's Golden Wheat Quality Award has set up a special award for "Creative Co -branded Award", "Packaging Innovation Award", and "New Consumer Domestic Products Award". The four dimensions of innovation capabilities, social responsibility, and market services are all measured.

It is not difficult to see from the award -winning outstanding products that national tide, intelligence, and creativity have become the main keywords of contemporary consumption trends. The co -branded shoes launched by Dafu Leap Leaping and Fortune Cat IP, through cute and cute images, and their personalized design, promote the youthful process of local brands, and won the "Creative Co -branded Award"; The infant people use a unique "small brown bottle" design and configured dropper to help users accurately control the dosage and win the "packaging innovation award"; Catlink's voice smart cat sand pot always uses "cat first" as design concept, combined with combining Intelligent technology conducts a comprehensive monitoring of cats' health, greatly resolving the troubles of contemporary shit officers, favored by the public review, and incorporating the "New Consumer Domestic Products Award" ...

These award -winning products have always paid attention to quality, diversified, and digital consumption needs, and they are designed with more accurate product designs, providing new brand upgrade examples for the e -commerce industry.

Guidance from Zhejiang Daily Newspaper Group, Yuhang District Commercial Bureau, Alibaba Group, Taobao World Media Co., Ltd., and the leaders of the organizers participated in the launching ceremony of the awards. In addition, well -known e -commerce platform executives, famous brand representatives, etc. gathered on the scene, focusing on the topic of quality e -commerce ecological construction, industry development and other topics, presented 5 keynote speeches focusing on cutting -edge, in -depth industry trends, and promoting e -commerce ecological quality upgrade.

(Attached 2022 Golden Wheat Quality Award winning list)

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