Temple Town, Linxian County focuses on the "Five Youyou" to promote the practice of civilization in the new era

Author:Lintong Rong Media official nu Time:2022.07.29

Temple Town, Lintong County, took the new era of civilized practice activities as the main point, with the main content of "caring for others, caring for the society, and caring for nature". As of now, there are 85 volunteer service teams in the town, with a volunteer number of 2,500. Driven by the demonstration of volunteers, the spirit of dedication, love, mutual assistance, and progressive volunteer spirit is in the wind. The background color.

Resource integration to deepen the construction of the places and positions, shared practical and better use. "Where the masses are, where the position of civilization practice extends." Starting from the needs of the masses, Sutou Town fully integrates various resources, and further build a new era of civilization practice station in the new era of the new era of the new era — the new era of civilization practice station system. Improve the function of civilization practice in the new era of the town, and build a new era civilization practice base that integrates theory of theory, volunteer services, cultural and sports entertainment, and watching the theory of the theory in Yande Building. Activate the village -level new era civilization practice station, make full use of the farm book house, theoretical lecture hall, the new era civilization practice square, park, promenade and other media resources, let the new wind of civilization blow to each corner, let civilization practice serve each mass. Essence Make good use of the civilized practice station in the new era of the family, play the role of advanced typical driving role such as "the most beautiful families in the country", establish a family practice station, drive the surrounding people and serve the surrounding people, and "add" a happy life for the masses.

The branch industry optimizes the volunteer team, and the whole people are covered throughout the region. Build a volunteer service system. The vertical sub -industry has established 11 town -level professional volunteer service teams to give full play to professional advantages, meet the personality and common needs of the masses, and become a new navigation standard for volunteer services in the town; 218 grid volunteer service teams, serving millions of households, serving the masses. Improve the volunteer service system. Each service team formulates the 2022 volunteer service plan based on its own advantages, conducts an orderly volunteer activity, implements the volunteer service team star management and the "most beautiful volunteer" selection system, advocates the positive energy of the tree, and actively creates "difficulties to find volunteers in difficulties to find volunteers There is a good atmosphere of practical volunteers. "

"Five is" and "Five Gather" rich volunteer service activities, which are carried out online and offline. Toutou Town took a variety of volunteer service activities as a carrier to promote the implementation of civilized practice in the new era from "paper" to "ground". The Health Guard Volunteer Service Team for chronic diseases generally existed with chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia, and conducted health checks for more than 2,000 people; candlelight red volunteer service team carried out "precise assistance" special students, "after class after class The post -station "school aid activities," warm home visits "and" spiritual environmental protection "and other activities help young people grow up healthy. During the prevention and control of the epidemic prevention and control, the Toutou Chamber of Commerce and the guardrail association donated more than 100 boxes of materials such as 3680 meters, masks and other materials to actively cooperate with the epidemic duty to implement various prevention and control measures; Safety production needs to provide professional guidance services in a timely manner, and investigate 279 hidden dangers, all rectification; 218 network member volunteer service team actively participates in the improvement of human settlement, epidemic prevention and control, learning strong country promotion, electronic medical insurance card card Activate more than 3,000 people and other tasks.

The system plans to expand the practical project of civilization, and coordinates it as needed. Establish two lists, start with the "demand side" of volunteer services, combine the "inspecting the people's sentiment, solving the people's concerns, and promoting development", and collect the demands of the masses, understand the thoughts of the masses, establish government services, see a doctor, seek medical treatment, and obliges obligations The "demand list" of the masses in education and other aspects, collecting 278 needs of people's living environment and cultural and sports services. Starting from the "supply side" of volunteer services, on the basis of finding out demand and grasping resources, combine the "what the masses need" with "what do we have" to integrate resources and carry out precise services to form a new era of civilized practice service in the new era. The "project list" includes 14 projects including the "Light Vision" project and the "Hope Cottage" project.

Focusing on the long -term and sound civilized practice mechanism, an interconnection and interactive chess. Coordinate and coordinate mechanism. The party committee leaders set up a joint meeting system. The party committee secretary led, and organized the leaders, relevant units, and volunteer organizations in charge of each month. The research activities were carried out and project promotion. Typical leading mechanism. With a point with a point, actively create a demonstration station in the new era of civilization practice, promote experience and practices through on -site observation, discussions and exchanges, through the volunteer service team star management and "the most beautiful volunteer" selection and commendation, and strive to create a strong atmosphere for the whole society to promote civilization practice. Essence Connecting the mechanism. The town's new era of civilization practice is led by the practice of civilization. Fund investment guarantee mechanism. Strengthen the support and overall efforts of the Civilization Practice Center in the New Era, encourage and guide social forces to establish a civilized practice fund, support project cultivation, selection and commendation, etc., and provide full guarantee for voluntary service activities.

Source: Weifang Media

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