Summer vacation in Kuiwen District, Weifang City to relieve people's worries

Author:Weifang Radio and Television S Time:2022.07.29

Every summer vacation, how to work with a baby is a common trouble for many families. In order to solidly promote the implementation of the "dual reduction" work and meet the needs of parents 'hosting services, Kuiwen District, Weifang actively responded to parents' needs and social concerns, and strived to do a good job of summer vacation custody service, effectively reducing elementary and middle school students to overcome extra -curricular burdens, helping students to survive A safe, fulfilling and happy summer vacation, the parents' "care" into a "warm -hearted thing" and strive to do a good job of the people's satisfactory education.

Make summer vacation more interesting

Entering Yuhua School of Weifang City, the summer custody courses are ongoing. There are dozens of sand tables in the sand table classroom neatly, which are full of delicate sand. . After the first stage of meditation, Xie Shengyuan, the sixth grade of this year, began to build. In the process, through communication with his classmates, he asked the teacher to ask the teacher and slowly set up his "sand table world". Xie Shengyuan said: "I like the sand table courses of our school's custody courses the most, because here you can use some sand sets to show the world in my heart, especially happy."

Yuhua School has opened a summer with a "basic+special" summer baby mode. The basic custody class has set up comprehensive courses such as reading and sports. The special custodian custody class is based on physical training courses and artificial intelligence robots. The school's various courses cultivate children's interests, making children's summer vacation more interesting and meaningful.

Make the hosting more temperature

Compared with the attractiveness of Yuhua School courses, the lunch break and meal of Cherry Garden Elementary School greatly reduce the pressure of parents' summer care. The Education and Sports Bureau of Kuiwen District contacted the dining company in a timely manner to specialize in the students for students. The school also used sports equipment to provide students with a lunch break and arrange special personnel to take care of them.

奎文区樱桃园小学党支部书记、校长武法亭告诉记者,要做好托管这项工作,首先要做好服务,同时,要提高老师的专业化素质,让我们的家长更满意,让我们的Society is more assured that in the usual work, the school will also conduct training in this area.

Weifang Kuiwen District follows the principles of government -led, school subjects, students' voluntary, and social participation, and adheres to the work ideas of school conditions, systematic advancement, integration of resources, and standardized management. Essence Zhang Hua, the head of the basic education department of the Kuiwen District Education and Sports Bureau: "This year is the second year of the summer custody service. With more mature experience, our purpose is to need all the demand, and it should be entrusted." 2022. "2022. In the summer of the year, 18 classes in 18 schools in Kuiwen District provided custody services for more than 670 students.

Weifang Radio and Television Station

Reporter Rong Media: Gong Haina Liu Shiliang Liu Yiyi

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