Walking in front of the new bureau | Meet Liangshan Port!Together the shipping development password of the "Golden Waterway"

Author:Jining News Network Time:2022.07.29

Qilu.com · Lightning News, July 29th, keep in mind the instructions to entrust ahead, and brave the mission to start a new bureau. From July to August, the Lightning News Client of Shandong Radio and Television launched the "Walking in the New Bureau" Shandong 16 cities in Shandong 16 large-scale media live broadcast. In the form of all-weather, full media, full coverage, and new media products, netizens have been immersed through immersive Slowly live broadcast and marching reports, focus on the spirit of thoroughly studying and implementing the spirit of the 12th Party Congress of the Provincial Party in all parts of Shandong, watch the "Top Ten Innovation" breakthroughs, the new progress of the "Top Ten Industry" and the "Top Ten Expansion Demand" Effective.

Take a helicopter and feel "the cultural Jining of the Confucius and Mencius"! On July 30, "Walking in front of the new bureau" Shandong 16 City Large Rong Media live broadcast 8th stop entered Jining, and used 5 clues that passed through time to start a immersive "breakthrough" in the holy realm of Nishan. Culture "two innovations", guarding the innovation, the capital of the canal, the integration of cultural tourism, the integration of cultural tourism, and the characteristic of good products.

Since its operation in 2018, the amount and sales of Liangshan Port have increased rapidly, with a cumulative revenue of 14.472 billion yuan. Large -scale shipping logistics distribution center for input, North Coal South Transport, South Carrons, and Container Transportation "! On July 30, Zhou Yang, a reporter from Liangshan Rong Media, invited you to interpret the shipping development password of the "Golden Waterway" of the Grand Canal.

It is worth mentioning that Guo Fan, Pan Xiaoting, Xu Zhisheng, Liu Dacheng and other hometown experience officers are called to call their hometown. You can also interact with the short video master of Jining 00 after 00. In addition, participating in Lightning News#此 此 此 此 Interaction of my hometown will also have the opportunity to win 10,000 yuan in cultural and creative products. On July 30th, 15:00 to 20: 00, Lightning News joined more than 30 platforms and the province's 136 districts and counties. Please pay attention.

Liangshan Rong Media reporter Zhou Yang Song Wenjie Lu Fei Chen Wen Gao Shuai Lightning News editor Wang Xue reported

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