Dunhuang: Vigorously develop the port passage economy to build a new engine of the county economy

Author:Dunhuang Time:2022.07.29

Since the beginning of this year, Dunhuang City has thoroughly studied and implemented the spirit of the 14th Provincial Party Congress, seized historical opportunities of the "Belt and Road" initiative, and focused on the sixth Silk Road (Dunhuang) International Cultural Fair, fully expanded the effects of the open platform, creating openness Channel hubs help promote the development of advantageous industries, optimize the business environment of the port, and contribute to local economic and social development.

The sixth Dunhuang Cultural Expo is about to be held. Dunhuang City has worked hard to do the preparations of the early stage. The provincial and cities and counties have held many preparatory meetings at all levels of the provincial, cities and counties, and arrange for the deployment of "one office and ten groups". Recently, the reporter walked into the work site of the environmental beautification group of the Dunhuang Cultural Expo Preparation Group. The staff of the Dunhuang Garden Greening Institute responsible for the landscaping of the landscape belt along the urban roads are maintaining the maintenance operation of the Party River style line and Feitian Avenue green belt.

Shen Xincheng, deputy director of the Gardening Institute of Dunhuang City: "The Cultural Expo is about to be held. The Dunhuang City Garden Greening Institute will continue to do a good job of maintenance of urban garden greening, strengthen sanitary cleaning, do a good job of potting flowers along the road, and serve the smoothness of the Cultural Expo. Hold a good guarantee. "

In recent years, the Cultural Fair has become a shiny business card for the economic development of Dunhuang City. The sixth Dunhuang Cultural Expo will continue to expand and extend the content of the series of activities, add major project signing, Dunhuang cultural publicity and special product exhibition activities, and for the general public Visitors present a variety of international cultural feasts. Dunhuang City also launched the construction of the Dunhuang International Art Training Center, creating an open platform that promotes the development of Dunhuang culture, and strives to build Dunhuang into a cultural base for Chinese and foreign tourists to experience the "Belt and Road". Dunhuang City actively integrates into the construction of the "East Asian Cultural Capital", exerts the advantages of "members of East Asian local governments", actively cooperates with major foreign affairs activities such as the 30th anniversary of China -South Korea ’s construction of diplomatic relations with China and South Korea, and the 50th anniversary of the normalization of China -Japan diplomatic relations. The special lecture on "Dunhuang Culture Global Link" was carried out.

Dunhuang City has made every effort to build an open channel hub, promote the construction of the Dunhuang international airport, expand the function of aviation port, and enhance the ability of external access. At present, Dunhuang Mogao International Airport has 23 routes, 9 airlines, 19 cities and 21 navigation sites. The first tourist route (Lanzhou -Zhangye -Dunhuang) in the province has achieved high -frequency perfusion. At the same time, it effectively guarantees the expansion of the international market of characteristic agricultural products. Multiple ways and measures to improve the reputation of characteristic agricultural products such as Li Guangxing, Yangguan Grapes, Mingshan Jujube, and Dunhuang honeydew, Dunhuang agricultural product export market has expanded to 18 countries and regions. Dunhuang City also guarantees accelerated exports of mineral products. The first Chinese and old railways (Dunhuang -Vientiane -Bangkok) international freight trains will be smoothly departed by Dunhuang on April 21 this year. The channel railway line is directly exported to local products abroad.

Dunhuang City continues to optimize the business environment of the port, cultivate and strengthen foreign trade enterprises, strives to implement a favorable policy, establish the "Belt and Road" service mechanism business system, continuously deepen the reform of "decentralization of management service", carry out special actions for rescue and empowerment, and strive to build a legal system The business environment of portion, marketization, and internationalization. In the next step, Dunhuang City will focus on the "three new and one high" goals, focusing on the "semi -finals" operation, closely linked to the "strategic channel" and "open hub" positioning, and expand the opening of the outside world in all aspects. Create a new engine of the county economy. (Ma Lin Zhang Yongsheng)

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