[Local Procuratorate] Zhejiang: Digital procuratorial construction accelerates the promotion of data "wisdom eyes" to empower legal supervision

Author:Chinese prosecutor Time:2022.07.29

Speed ​​up for digital procuratorial construction

Data "Eye Eyes" empower legal supervision

Reporter: Zhang Ye

"'Data' is deeply changing the procuratorial work in the new era." On June 29, the digital procuratorial work conference of the national procuratorial organs was held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang. Supervise quality improvement and efficiency, and better develop high -quality service to serve the high -quality development of economy and society.

Big data empowerment,

Let the case doubt "speak"

"There is no abnormality in just a single case, but after reviewing dozens of referee documents, they found that some plaintiffs have frequently prosecuted, and the plaintiff is not the owner himself, and the accident has not been lost by the insurance company." Zhang Fangfang, deputy director of the Fourth Procuratorate of the Municipal Procuratorate, said that in recent years, many insurance companies have reported that local car insurance fraud has been reported. To this end, the procuratorial organs have begun to use big data to analyze the large -scale auto insurance claims referee documents.

Big data enables the case to "speak". In the "Civil Judgment Classroom Library" built by Shaoxing Procuratorate, it has been based on the scope of the model investigation with more than 600,000 documents in the five years in the past five years. The remaining documents, which are highly concentrated in the maintenance units of damaged vehicles and the high concentration of vehicle loss assessment agencies. The "coincidence" is not only there. The procuratorial organs pay information from the Social Security Department to the Social Security Department, and are associated with the plaintiff's identity information, and found that most of the 13 plaintiffs were in the same auto repair plant.

After some element screening and related analysis, the procuratorial organs transferred the clues to the relevant departments, and the truth surfaced. It turned out that after a vehicle accident, the auto repair factory would send someone to the scene as soon as possible to help trailers, free repair, and claims on the grounds of dragging the vehicle to the factory, and to deceive the owner to transfer the claims; on the other side It also obstructs insurance companies by concealing the whereabouts of the vehicle or delay. After that, this gang expanded vehicle damage through virtual maintenance projects and did not recognize car damage to the insurance company, then the assessment agency entrusted to the assessment agency to evaluate and priced it, and based on the assessment report. , Get illegal interests.

The Shaoxing Procuratorate expanded the case, and 46 people prosecuted and judged 46 people in other counties and cities, and a total of 46 people prosecuted and judged 49 civil referees. At the same time, the import of insurance data provided by major insurance companies has been imported by social security information. It is found that some frequent reporters are also related to the local auto repair plant. The amount of other large -scale deceptions involved a total of more than 1,500 million yuan.

"Through digital empowerment, stimulate the enlarged, superimposed, and multiplication of legal supervision work to the greatest extent, so that the problems such as difficulty in the discovery of the supervision clues, the fragmentation of work, and the quality of the quality are not prominent." Jia Yu, Attorney General of the People's Procuratorate of Zhejiang Province, said that since 2018, the procuratorial organs of Zhejiang Province have taken the lead in exploring the use of big data to investigate and supervised clues to develop the "civil referee smart supervision system" to solve the problem of "false litigation" governance. There are hundreds of procuratorial case handling models, and 17 special supervision in the province has been promoted. The role of big data on legal supervision is emerging. "

Data cloud supervision,

Let the case clue "automatically come to the door"

"The traditional 'passive case, case handling' supervision and case handling model is undergoing a deep change from cases to cases, from passive to active, from handling to governance." The legal supervision model of supervision and governance has reshaped the change, which has a profound impact on the institutional mechanism, organizational structure, and methods of legal supervision.

In November 2021, the Supreme Procuratorate determined that the Hubei Provincial Procuratorate, the Hangzhou Procuratorate of Zhejiang Province, the Shaoxing Procuratorate in Zhejiang Province, and the Shenzhen Procuratorate of Guangdong Province were the first batch of national procuratorates to supervise the research and development and innovation base of big data legal supervision. On the basis of the existing basis of the four places, the big data of the "case handling -category supervision -system governance" is further explored by the "case handling -type of case supervision -system governance".

Supervising administrative law enforcement is an important function of procuratorial organs. However, administrative law enforcement involves a wide range of cases, large number of cases, and strong professionalism. As the only provincial procuratorate in the first batch of R & D and innovation bases, the Hubei Provincial Procuratorate used big data legal supervision models to create government data cloud supervision and allow supervision clues to "automatically come to the door."

In December last year, the model pushed a clue from the 1.03 million administrative law enforcement cases shared by the administrative law enforcement department: Yu Mouliang illegally sand mining in the Yangtze River and was suspected of illegal mining. The procuratorial organs quickly urged the case to transfer the case to the public security organs for investigation, and dug out the criminal gangs who had committed the crime involving sand in the Yangtze River in the Yangtze River related river sections for the first time in the relevant river sections of the Yangtze River.

"The data of the model comes from the law enforcement information and other related information of more than 3,000 units in the province's data governance platform in 42 law enforcement areas. Clues. "The prosecutor of the hospital introduced. Since the application of the model, through clues, a total of 4,823 cases were transferred and 3968 cases were set up in public security organs.

After continuous exploration and practice, more and more procuratorates now empower the legal supervision through big data, focusing on the hot spot focus of the service overall situation, outstanding issues of law enforcement justice, the weak area of ​​social governance, and the weak shortcomings of public interests to promote laws to promote the law Supervise the high -quality development of economy and society. Labor claims are preferred in the distribution of bankruptcy property. It was originally the country's protection of workers' rights and interests. The procuratorial organs in Jiangsu Province have successively discovered 24 clues to false labor claims in the field of false labor claims in the field of bankruptcy in the field of bankruptcy. , Effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the real creditors.

Huang Meimei, a representative of the National People's Congress and the Human Resources Commissioner of the Ministry of Human Resources of Daoming Optics Co., Ltd., impressed this: "Prosecutor's supervision and installation of 'digital brain' can better promote the creation of a fair and fair business environment. See, make good use of big data for procuratorial supervision and press the 'fast -forward key'. "

Wake up the internal "sleeping" data,

Also open the external data barrier

Can digital procuratorials popularize to the majority of grass -roots procuratorial organs?

"Big data is equal in front of big data, and everyone can take one step first." At the digital procuratorial work conference of the national procuratorial organs, the relevant person in charge of the highest prosecution of the procuratorate said that in fact, the first big data supervision model for online judicial auctions was not exactly developed from developed. First -tier cities, from the mountainous areas, relatively underdeveloped economy, and only 40 people in the Songyang County Procuratorate of Lishui City, Zhejiang Province.

In recent years, online judicial auctions have become the first choice for the people's court due to their convenience, efficiency, and cross -regional characteristics. However, in practice, there are some executors who use the rules to "drill empty". To this end, the Songyang County Procuratorate has developed a rejection class and procedural supervision rules based on the social data resources of the judicial auction platform, combined with the problems discovered, and realized the precise discovery of the problem with digitalization.

Today the model has been shared and promoted in Zhejiang Province. As of now, the model has screened 3,636 programming clues from the 340,000 network shots in Zhejiang Province, 478 proposals for corrected and corrected procuratorials, while promoting the correction of the court cases, and promoting the standardization of the court's web photography.

The prosecutor of the Anji County Procuratorate of Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province used the "public welfare forest subsidy to issue supervision models of violations of regulations" for clues. Wei Jie Photo

However, in the process of exploration from various places, it also faces some difficulties and problems. "For example, the data barrier is a blocking point that must be broken, otherwise digital procuratorials will become passive water and no wood." The person in charge of the highest prosecutor said that solving this problem must wake up a large amount of data from the internal "sleeping" inside the procuratorial organs , Also to open external data barriers and make full use of the Internet to open data.

When you come to Zhejiang Procuratorate Big Data Center, you can not only see that the prosecutor rely on his procuratorial big data legal supervision and application to achieve the "breakthrough and sharing of the province" in the field of procuratorial supervision, and the application of political and legal integration cases shown here is also quite attractive. People pay attention. "Integration not only brings data penetration, but also brings concepts and work synergy." Zeng Ji, deputy director of the Case Management Office of the Zhejiang Provincial Procuratorate, introduced that the application of this set of political and legal integration cases connects public security, courts, and judicial administration Wait for 12 business systems to penetrate 777 units of provincial, municipal, and county levels, and achieve 330 business processes online, covering all the litigation processes and full cases that cover all criminal cases.

In 2021, the procuratorial business application system 2.0 has been fully deployed in the national procuratorial organs, and it has gathered a large number of case card data and documents. "At present, the procuratorial organs have realized the vertical and horizontal connectivity of the network, but there is still a small gap between the" large fusion '. "Shen Guojun, director of the Supreme Prosecutor's Management Office, said that there are still many prosecutors who are inherently handling cases. Without paying attention to the digging and analysis of data, the big data thinking of active supervision has not yet been deeply rooted.

In this regard, the Supreme Procuratorate requires that procuratorates at all levels should take the implementation of procuratorial big data strategies as the "one -handed project", and coordinate and solve the problem of key difficulties. "In accordance with the requirements of the highest prosecution, leading cadres should guide the establishment of a" one game "consciousness, enhance the big data thinking of prosecutors, and strive to improve the effectiveness of big data legal supervision." Shen Guojun said.

Source | Zhejiang Procuratorate

Edit | Yu Yingying

Review | Wu Ping

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