Reading | "On Love": Explore the dull love of the moment, evoke the noble nature of people

Author:Report Time:2022.07.29

"On Love" is a masterpiece of Wang Min'an, a professor at Tsinghua University, to discuss the theme of "love". The book is divided into three parts: "spectrum of love", "steering" and "political politics". In the previous part, the author sorted out the "spectrum system" built by Plato, Socrates, Augustine, Petrac, Bohaqiu, etc., from the three dimensions of the love, the sacred love, and the love of the world. Human noble and sacred love during modern times. The "steering" part of the dislike of Perkaccarta and Spinnosa set up a scientific interpretation model for love under the banner of rationalism. In the next article, "Politics of Love" analyzes Hegel, Heidgger, Lacan, Floom, Badio and other thoughts about love. Write humans trying to get rid of the rational tame of love in modernity in modernity, and then Realize the redemption of love.


"On Love"

Wang Min'an

Nanjing University Press Publishing

>> Selected reading in the text:

Love of the world

Bo Gaqiu began to introduce the happiness caused by physical love into the love of men and women. This is his deviation of Dante and Peterrack. His "Ten Day Talks" floated with living fleshy scent. The physical atmosphere of this book is too early, too fast, too abrupt, and bold. It has to be punished in the dark to spread silently in the dark. We compare it to the 14th -century painting. We see more clearly. The painting of the 14th century is still very restrained, and it does not reflect the body's carnival and happiness. Giotto's wake -up painting is carving pain rather than happiness at this time. It is from the "Ten Day Talk" that the modern publishing ban always has a part of love on love. Until the 20th century, until Lawrence and Nobokov, the crime of love as morality has been carried out various. The sin of writing.

In this regard, Bo Gulu opened a new chapter. If the love of the world has two meanings, one is the pure spiritual love of Dan Ding and Peterrack, then the other is the physical love of Bogamu. But Ding and Peterrack carefully pushed away the framework of God's love to release the spiritual love of the world, a neighbor's love that weakened the love of God, and Bo Gacchu took their spiritual love. The door pushed away, released more materialized love. "Ten Day Talk" is the carnival of physical love. Here, but Ding and Petrack's stubborn God's love disappeared without a trace. God did not die here, he existed, but he existed as an ironic symbol in "Ten Day Talk". God is not the master, but a puppet that is dominated and used. He has never really played the effect. On the contrary, he is always used frivolous and used by various sex. A monk seduced a pure girl in the name of God. The between God and sex did not constitute a severe tension. On the contrary, there was a conspiracy between them. Bo Gachu returned to Greece and Rome more strongly than Betrak, returned to worldly love, and returned to love between people and people. However, this kind of love is not simply returning to fertility, the creativity and eternal life of Greece -Socrates' thinking (creation and happiness) always follow the fertility, so it is also the continuation of life with life. Related. In Boju, love is related to death, but has nothing to do with fertility. Love and death are related to death, which does not mean that the death of eternal life like an ancient man was rejected. This is a new type of love and death, a kind of strange love and death for Greeks and Christians.

We can understand the new love issues in Bogamu's "Ten Day Talk". The background of this novel is the plague of Florence in 1348. This is a fierce black death, which is the plague. Once infected, the probability of death is great. At that time, the cities of the city were all over the field, the dead silence was desolate, and the beam was chaotic. In order to avoid this plague, people have adopted two ways: one way is: "Hiding in your own house and where there is no patient, stay away from the hustle and bustle ... enjoy the wine and wine restraint, everything is suitable, and everyone talks about it. The situation of death or epidemic is disagreed ... Others thoughts different thoughts. They said that they only had to eat and drink, looking for happiness, and trying to satisfy their own desires. Qiu: "Ten Day Talk", translated by Wang Yongnian, People's Literature Publishing House, 1994, p. 8) The latter one did not avoid it. It is as if the death of this will be unavoidable. Therefore, they abandon all private products, tear up any masks, destroy any customs and regulations, and live a indulgence life of dogs and horses. Death is carnival. Under the impact of death, the entire city was paralyzed and anarchy. "Ten Day Talk" is exactly the story of its story in this context. Under the dying night package, ten young men and women gathered in a remote countryside to tell a variety of love stories. They gathered to avoid death and tell these stories to avoid death. Everyone tells ten stories for ten days. Here, on the one hand, they are far away from the hustle and bustle, avoiding death from the perspective of spatial isolation to avoid others. This is the first way to evade the plague in Bogaqiu; on the other hand, they avoid death by telling the story. They are in Living in the story, spending a hard time in the story, laughing in the story. This is the way they are unique to escape real death through immersion in stories. What kind of stories will let them immerse them and forget the threat of death? These are all stories related to love.

Author: Wang Min'an

Edit: Jiang Chuting

Editor in charge: Zhu Zilong

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