"Network Security Law" 5th Anniversary: Cyber security is the people's network security depends on the people

Author:Xi'an Radio and Television Fi Time:2022.07.29

On June 1, 2022, the "Cyber ​​Security Law of the People's Republic of China" (hereinafter referred to as the "Network Security Law") was officially implemented for the fifth anniversary.

As the basic law in the field of network security in my country, the "Cyber ​​Security Law" is an important milestone in the construction of the rule of law in my country.

In the era of interconnection, opportunities and risks coexist.

To ensure the long -term healthy development of information and communication technology and industries, network security is the foundation and information security is the condition. The network platform is not secure, and the data carried by the platform is not secure; the information of the network data is not secure, and the information carried by the data is not secure; the information content is not secure, and the various network applications are not safe.

Without network security, there is no national security, and there is no modernization without informationization. In the information age, network security is related to the long -term security of the country, related to economic and social development and the well -being of the people.

The top -level design builds the "four beams and eight pillars" of network security

Since the full -featured access to the International Internet in 1994, my country has continuously explored and promoted Internet legislation. In recent years, my country has accelerated the design pace of the top -level in the field of network security. On the basis of in -depth implementation of the "Cyber ​​Security Law", it has formulated and improved the strategic planning of cybersecurity related to the concerns of the people from all walks of life and the concerns of the people.

Laws and regulations such as the "Data Security Law", "Personal Information Protection Law", and "Personal Information Protection Law" and "Key Information Infrastructure Safety Protection Regulations" were promulgated. The "Measures for Cyber ​​Security Review", "Measures for the Safety Evaluation of Cloud Computing Service", "Several Provisions of Automobile Data Security Management (Trial)" and other policy documents have been established, and a number of important systems have been established.

Among them, the "Cyber ​​Security Review Measures" jointly revised by the 13 departments including the Central Cyberspace Office strongly maintain network security and data security to prevent and resolve national security risks to escort.

In addition, more than 300 national standards in the field of network security have been formulated to promote the release of many international standards dominated and participated in my country, and basically established a "four beams and eight pillars" of cybersecurity policy and regulations.

Response concerns and continuous promotion of personal information data protection

Internet powers reached hundreds of millions of people. With the acceleration of the digital process, the people's attention to network security, data security, and personal information security has increased day by day.

Since 2019, the four departments of the Central Cyberspace Office, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security, and the General Administration of Market Supervision have jointly carried out APP illegal and illegal collection of personal information. A number of institutional specifications such as "APP illegal and illegal collection and use of personal information behavior" have been formulated, and punishment measures such as public notifications, order rectification, and removal have been adopted, which has effectively deterred illegal and violations.

The support implementation rules such as the "Regulations on Network Data Security" and "Evaluation Measures for Data Outbound" are being formulated and have been publicly solicited. The framework of data security and personal information protection laws and regulations has been initially established.

Telecom fraud, hacking attacks, fishing software, etc. The illegal and criminal acts involving the vital safety interests of the people have been severely punished, and the protection of data security and personal information continues to advance.

Preventing the incidental network security emergency system is becoming increasingly improved

With the in -depth development of social informatization, the Internet will play a greater promotion role in the progress of human civilization. However, at the same time, problems in the Internet field have become increasingly prominent, and cyber crimes, online monitoring, and cyber attacks have occurred.

In March of this year, the National Internet Emergency Center was monitored and found that since late February, my country's Internet has continued to be attacked by overseas Internet attacks, and the National Internet Emergency Center has promptly dealt with the maximum of attack behavior.

This also reminds us of the importance and urgency of network security.

To deal with the challenges of network security risks, it is necessary to prevent problems before they occur. The introduction of the National Cyber ​​Security Emergency Plan promotes the effective establishment of emergency mechanisms in various industries such as finance, energy, communications, and transportation, continuously improve the security protection system, and continuously improve the emergency response response.

Since the "Cyber ​​Security Law" landed, my country has not only established a practical and effective network security security system, but also adopted a series of measures in promoting the training of network security talents. Based on the establishment of a first -class discipline of network space security in the early stage, the state organization and implementation of the construction demonstration project of the first -class network security college. As of now, more than 60 colleges and universities in China have set up network security colleges, more than 200 colleges and universities have set up a bachelor's degree in network security, and more than 20,000 network security graduates each year.

Cyber ​​security is the people, and network security depends on the people.

Standing at a new historical starting point, my country will comprehensively strengthen the network security security system and capacity building, and continuously build a new pattern of network security work.

Source: People's Daily

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