Changping District strengthened summer food and food safety supervision

Author:Beijing Changping officially r Time:2022.07.29

In summer, the temperature is high and humid. Food is easy to breed bacteria and cause corruption to deteriorate. In order to eliminate the hidden dangers of catering food and food and food and effectively prevent the risk of food and food safety, the District Market Supervision Bureau has adopted a number of regulatory measures to strengthen the supervision of food safety in summer.

Law enforcement officers have penetrated key areas such as shopping malls and supermarkets, farmers' markets, and snacks and mixed stores in their jurisdictions. Implement the requirements for purchase inspection, whether the environmental sanitation between operations meets the standards, whether the bulk food label logo is standardized, whether the food safety standards meet the food safety standards, whether the temperature of food storage equipment that needs to be refrigerated or frozen meets whether the temperature of the food storage equipment meets the requirements. In response to various types of risk hazards found during the inspection, law enforcement officers urged the operating units to rectify immediately, and required them to strictly implement the main responsibility, timely and effectively eliminate hidden dangers of food safety to ensure food safety.

At the same time, consumers need to pay attention to dining, ordering, buying food, storage, processing food, etc. For details

During dinner

We should take a good job in the prevention and control measures of personal epidemics, use public chopsticks or implement meal sub -systems, ask for invoices after meals, and do not eat in unlicensed catering units.

When ordering online

Check the business license and food business license on the platform. Try to choose from nearby merchants; try not to buy cold dishes, raw food species, cold processing cakes, etc. If you adopt non -contact delivery meals, consumers should pay attention to the delivery time of the courier rider, timely pick up meals at the meal and eat it as soon as possible.

When buying food

Try to choose the store, supermarkets, and vegetable markets that meet the requirements of health requirements. Pay attention to the inspection of food sensory patterns to prevent the purchase of corruption foods. Buy pre -packaged foods, in addition to checking the production date and shelf life, you must also check whether the packaging is intact. Do not buy the packaging of packaging and deformed and deformed.

When stored food

When the refrigerator is stored and cooked food, it should be stored in accordance with the "mature upward" method to prevent food raw ripe pollution. Once frozen foods are thawed, they should be processed as soon as possible.

When processing food

Pay attention to the separation of raw maturity, and do not mix tools such as knives and cutting boards. Bowls, chopsticks, knives, cutting boards and other utensils are kept dry and stored after cleaning. Cooking food should be cooked.

During the family meal

Develop good hygiene habits and wash your hands before meals. Meals should be made for meals and eat them as meals; if they are not eaten, they should be refrigerated in time. Do a good job of matching and diet, balancing diet, and eating fresh vegetables and fruits that are rich in cellulose and vitamins.

Text/Wang Xingyue Picture/Li Yang

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