Zhangdian Tax: Cross -market door -to -door warming the heart helper office

Author:Zibo Daily Time:2022.07.29

□ Zibo Daily/Zibo Evening News/Expo News

Reporter Tan Zhuangfei Correspondent Lu Yiting Zhao Hui

On July 26, Mr. Zhang, a citizen, sent the banner to the Jinqi of the State Administration of Taxation in Zhangdian District Taxation Bureau of the State Administration of Taxation. Thanks to the staff of the bureau from the perspective of the taxpayer to provide a detailed and thoughtful cross -crossing On -site service.

It is understood that Mr. Zhao Lao, who is already 93 years old, has a real estate located in the north 5th lane of the West Road in the Communist Youth League in Zhangdian District to transfer it to Mr. Zhang, but because of his age and inconvenience, he has moved to Jinan. hall. This made Mr. Zhang, the transferee, was very worried that the business could not handle it normally, so he asked the Taxation Bureau of Zhangdian District to help. After understanding the relevant situation, the person in charge of the deed tax Liu Xiao patiently appease Mr. Zhang, and took the initiative to provide on -site services to help the elderly.

On July 21, Liu Xiao co -worked with the staff of the Zhangdian District Administrative Examination and Approval Service Bureau, and the staff of the Zhangdian District Real Estate Registration Center went to Jinan to come to Mr. Zhao Lao's house to check the identity information for the elderly and interpret the details of the required information one by one. The gentleman conducted a professional and considerate communication and won the house to praise the two parties.

With Jinqi, Mr. Zhang also attached a letter of thanks. The letter wrote: "The three section chiefs with their professional exquisite performance, thoughtful and meticulous service and patient interpretation, let us feel a kind of intimacy of guests, full of warmth! Humanized and super -first -class warm -hearted service! "

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