A week of Industrial Fund Summary | Chongqing established a 40 billionth science and technology cultivation fund; Xi'an launched the first domestic recovery development fund; the five cities in southwestern Fujian set up 10 billion parent funds

Author:Daily Economic News Time:2022.07.29

One week's industry fund summary focuses on market developments such as government guidance funds and industrial capital, and provides timely value information tracking. The main highlights of the market this week are mainly from government guidance funds, Chongqing, Xi'an, Shanghai, and Fujian, which are worthy of attention.

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Established 40 billion parent funds in Chongqing

On July 26, Chongqing Development Investment Co., Ltd. issued an announcement saying that it intended to contribute 12.4 billion yuan to participate in the establishment of the Chongqing Industrial Investment Fund Partnership (Limited Partner).

It is reported that the target scale of the Chongqing Industrial Investment Fund is 40 billion yuan, and the first batch of subscribed capital contributions is 28 billion yuan, of which Chongqing Industrial Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd. is a 5.71%contribution ratio (1.6 billion) as an ordinary partner (GP). Yuan Development, as a limited partner (LP), subscribed for 44.29%(12.4 billion yuan), and the remaining capital contribution was performed by other limited partners (LP).

Regarding the investment field, Chongqing Industrial Investment Fund will mainly invest in major strategic, key industries and science and technology cultivation projects in the city. Major strategic projects refer to projects with great basic, strategic, and driving effects. Key industry projects refer to projects with good development prospects and strong growth capabilities in Chongqing, as well as important industrial transformation and upgrading projects and "specialized new" projects. The science and technology cultivation project refers to the start -up incubation project and scientific and technological achievements transformation projects with core technologies in the "first kilometer".

Xi'an starts the anti -epidemic recovery fund

On July 28, Xi'an officially launched the two government guidance funds of the Innovation Investment Fund and the Restoration Development Fund, and completed the first round of project signing. It is reported that the Innovation Fund is the first tens of billions of science and technology parent funds in Xi'an. It will focus on the layout of the local pillar industry and key industrial chain, and invest in electronic information, artificial intelligence, photoelectric chips, aerospace and other industries.

The anti -epidemic recovery development fund is the first domestic government guidance fund that takes into account the "anti -epidemic" and "industrial development". It is initiated by Xi'an Investment Holding Co., Ltd. It is expected that the total scale will not be less than 5 billion yuan. The fund will actively intervene in the key industries affected by the epidemic through the purpose of "helping stability" and through "investment and loans" to provide enterprises with comprehensive comprehensive financial services.

Five cities in southwestern Fujian set up 10 billion parent funds

Recently, the five cities in southwestern Fujian (Xiamen, Zhangzhou, Quanzhou, Sanming, Longyan City) announced the proposed plan to jointly build the investment fund in southwestern Fujian. The total scale of the fund was 10 billion yuan. Yuan, of which a total of 30%of the financial support for the fifth cities in southwestern Fujian.

In the direction of investment, the fund will focus on the implementation of the investment business around the implementation of the national development strategy and support the real economy. 60%.

In addition, in order to encourage the fund to support the transformation and upgrading of the five cities in southwestern Fujian, in principle, the fund is required to be a small and medium -sized enterprise with the seed period, the initial period, or the establishment of less than 5 years. The cumulative investment scale is not less than 10%of the fund scale. In terms of returning investment requirements, the fund invested in the amount of enterprises in the southwestern Fujian region of not less than 1.5 times the total amount of the five municipal governments. Among them, the amount invested in Sanming and Longyan is not less than 1.5 times the amount of their own capital contribution, and the investment in other cities is not less than 1 times that of their respective contributions. When the fund chooses investment projects, in principle, the Sanming and Longyan project should be given priority.

The Pudong Leading Zone Industrial Development Fund was launched, and the first phase of 5 billion yuan

On July 27, the Pudong Leading District Industrial Development Fund was officially launched. The first phase of 5 billion yuan was invested by Pudong New District Finance. It is expected that more than 100 billion yuan of social funds can participate in the construction of the leading area. Leading the District Industrial Development Fund's initiative to sign the contract with Shanghai Pudong Investment Holdings (Group) Co., Ltd. and the Industry Guidance Mother Fund, the national capital, Junjun Venture Capital, Haiwang Capital, Haitong Kaiyuan and CICC Capital.

It is reported that in terms of investment, the leading area industrial development funds will adopt investment projects and investment funds to combine the method of investment projects and investment funds. Promote industrial agglomeration and development. In terms of withdrawal, the district industrial development fund relying on new mechanisms such as private equity and entrepreneurial investment equity share transfer platform and S fund, further expand the exit channels and realize the use of government funds.

Daily Economic News

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