The State Council joint prevention joint control mechanism: further promoting the test results of the new crown virus nucleic acid testing nationwide mutual recognition

Author:Beijing Commercial Daily Time:2022.07.29

The comprehensive group of the State Council's comprehensive group in response to the new coronary virus pneumonia epidemic control mechanism issued a notice on further promoting the results of the test results of the new coronary virus nucleic acid.

Since the epidemic of new coronal virus pneumonia, relevant departments in various regions have seriously implemented the relevant decision -making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, and actively promoted the interoperability of nucleic acid testing results, which played an important role in ensuring the safe and orderly travel of the people and re -production. At present, some places still have problems such as non -recognition of nucleic acid test results and repeated testing of other regions. In order to further promote the results of nucleic acid detection results nationwide and effectively facilitate the travel of the masses, the relevant matters are notified as follows:

First, attach great importance to the importance of the nationwide recognition of nucleic acid testing. Relevant departments in various regions must fully understand the importance and urgency of the prevention and control of the epidemic, and adhere to the people -centered development ideas, stand at the height of the "one game of a nationwide chess" of the epidemic, Mutual recognition as the "key trivial matter" of the prevention and control of epidemics and economic and social development, and effectively maintaining the order of normal production and living order, and practically facilitate the safe and orderly travel of the personnel.

Second, nucleic acid test results displayed in different channels have the same effect. The masses through the State Council client, national government service platform, provinces' health code, nucleic acid testing agency website or APP inquiry nucleic acid detection results and the results of paper nucleic acid tests held by the masses, in the effective time of local prevention and control policies ( Taking the report time), it has the same effect, and the localities should be recognized during inspection. It is strictly forbidden to refuse to pass on the grounds that the local health code fails to inquire and fail to carry out the nanocyric acid detection locally. The transportation must not require the masses to repeat nucleic acid testing.

3. Strengthen publicity guidance and supervision and implementation. All regions should act immediately, and implement the national mutual recognition of nucleic acid detection results to the grass -roots level to ensure that grass -roots management personnel are implemented carefully. Through various forms such as announcement, news reports and other forms of various ways to strengthen the publicity and interpretation of the national recognition of nucleic acid test results, let the masses know and accept the supervision of the masses. The comprehensive group of the State Council ’s joint defense and control mechanism will increase supervision and guidance with relevant departments, and to be notified places that do not recognize each other after the release of this notice and cause adverse effects. For individuals' test results such as counterfeit and tampering and other nucleic acid testing, it shall be handled in accordance with laws and regulations.

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