Two departments: Increase credit support for urban infrastructure construction projects

Author:Zhongxin Jingwei Time:2022.07.29

Zhongxin Jingwei, July 29th. According to the website of the Ministry of Housing and Housing on the 29th, the Ministry of Housing and Construction and the National Development and Reform Commission issued the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" National Urban Infrastructure Construction Plan (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan").

The "Planning" pointed out that urban infrastructure is a material basis for ensuring the normal operation and healthy development of the city, and it is also an important guarantee for important support for economic transformation, improving people's livelihood, and preventing safety risks.

The "Plan" shows that by 2025, the green transformation of urban construction methods and production lifestyles has achieved remarkable results, and the level of infrastructure systemization, operating efficiency and risk prevention capacity have been significantly improved. The operation of operation is more efficient, the quality of infrastructure in large and medium -sized cities has been significantly improved, and the shortcomings of the infrastructure of small and medium -sized cities will be accelerated. By 2035, the system is fully established in an all -round way. To achieve green transformation, the overall quality, operating efficiency and service management level of facilities have reached the international advanced level.

The "Plan" proposes to steadily promote the construction of 5G networks. Strengthen the layout of 5G network planning, do a good job in the connection between 5G infrastructure and municipal infrastructure, promote the construction of mobile communication, emergency communication facilities or reserved construction space for building supporting construction, accelerate the infrastructure and social stations of shared power, transportation, municipal municipalities and other infrastructure stations and social stations Site resources, support 5G construction. At the same time, by 2025, the popularization rate of 5G users is not less than 56%.

The "Planning" mentioned that in the intelligent construction operation of urban infrastructure, car city collaborative comprehensive scene demonstration applications were carried out. Promote the construction of intelligent perception facilities such as road transportation facilities facing car city, build 5G -based Checheng collaborative application scenarios and industrial ecosystems, and carry out a certain area of ​​autonomous driving commute, smart logistics distribution, intelligent logistics distribution, intelligent logistics distribution, intelligent logistics distribution, intelligent logistics distribution, intelligent logistics distribution, intelligent logistics distribution The test operation and demonstration application of sanitation and other scenarios, verify the accuracy rate of car -urban environmental interaction perception, intelligent infrastructure positioning accuracy, decision -making control rationality, system fault tolerance and fault processing capacity, intelligent infrastructure service capabilities, "people -car -city -city -city -city -city (Road) -Cloud "system collaborative sex. Carry out new service industries such as unmanned logistics, mobile retail, and mobile office based on unmanned cars to meet diversified intelligent transportation needs.

The "Planning" emphasizes that we need to raise funds with multiple channels. Innovate capital investment methods and operating mechanisms, and promote the integration and overall use of infrastructure funds. Encourage various types of financial institutions to increase credit support for urban infrastructure construction projects under the premise of compliance and risk controlling in accordance with laws and regulations. Differential operating and non -operating attributes of related construction projects, establish a cooperation mechanism for the sharing and income sharing of government and social capital risks, and adopt various forms to standardize and orderly promote government and social capital cooperation (PPP). Promote the healthy development of the real estate investment trust fund (REITs) in the infrastructure sector and revitalize the existing assets of urban infrastructure. (Zhongxin Jingwei APP)

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