It's proud!Hebi Qibin District was selected into the nation's pilot

Author:Infinite crane wall Time:2022.06.16

Let young people learn, livable, and should be busy

Is a dimension of urban development


Qibin District is determined to be a pilot zone of a national development county in the country

It is one of the five counties (county -level cities) in Henan Province this time

It is also the only pilot area selected by Hebi City

This pilot cycle is 2 years. During the pilot process, the Inter -Ministerial Joint Conference Office will jointly strengthen the guidance of pilot areas with various member units, and strive to solve the problem of "urgency and sorrow" of young people. Copying and promoting practical experience, better serving youth growth and development, giving full play to the potential of youth innovation and creating, and striving to explore a new road for the high -quality development of cities and counties.

In recent years, Qibin District has focused on optimizing the planning environment of youth priority development, fair and quality educational environment, inspiring young people to show their talents, the living environment of the basic housing needs of young people, and alleviating the problem of young people's marriage and childbearing problems. Comprehensive implementation of "Red Youth Qibin", "Zhihui Youth Qibin", "Gathering Youth Qi Bin", "Humanities Youth Qibin", "Vibrant Youth Qibin", "Ping An Youth Qibin", promoting the comprehensive development of young people.

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