When the sister -in -law encounters the square dance ...

Author:Hubei News Time:2022.06.16

出 From "I can't fly, the world of flowers" ♫

To "Three Two One! Move it!"

When the sister -in -law encounters the square dance

What wonderful chemical reactions will cause?

When the sister -in -law encounters the square dance

It is 70 million "Genghong Boys"

And "Genghong Girls"

"Burning my calories" at home

It is 130 million square dance lovers

Jump up "Drunk Butterfly"

Dancing the streets of the lane

More and more common people

Participate in the upsurge of national fitness

Transformed into "Dynamic Master"

... ...

In recent years

Hubei mass sports are booming

The "dynamic experts" "moved" the land of Jingchu

Whether it is a mule fuck or a square dance

"666" played by the people of Hubei

In Hubei, more than 5 million people participated in the square dance campaign. The provincial square dance competition reached 14 games and 329 participating dance teams, which affected 103 counties and cities in 17 cities and prefectures in the province.

In Hubei, 19 million people often participated in physical exercise. In the past four years, they invested 640 million yuan, and more than 1,200 new sports facilities were built. Each gymnasium, township street fitness center, and community village cultural and sports square take root in Jingchu urban and rural areas, and build a national fitness facility network four levels four levels of national fitness facilities in cities, counties, townships, and villages (communities).

In Hubei, newly built or rebuilt the city (state) and county (cities, districts) of 50 "two museums", 150 sports parks, 2,000 kilometers of fitness trails, and 300 football fields.

In Hubei

Still waiting for you who love sports

So many new sports venues

Are you sure you won't come to "play Hazi"?

Supervision: Guo Xiaorong

Editor: Kang Yaofang Lin Rufeng

Creative/Copy: Ran Ao

Dubbing: Zhang Bowei

Animation design: Li Min Xi Xiaolu

Poster design: Qiu Fanglei

Network data source: Bilibili volcanic brother

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