Standing on the Asian Games style, what information did this e -sports event convey?

Author:Guangming Daily Time:2022.07.30

In recent years, the e -sports industry has developed rapidly globally. After the Hangzhou Asian Games included e -sports into the official competition, e -sports further entered the public's vision. However, even so, the discussion of whether e -sports is sports seems to be difficult to conclude at the moment.

On the 27th, the 2022 Global E -sports Leader Summit ended in Hangzhou. The theme of the conference is "Competition in Asia" to explore a new future and new opportunities for the development of e -sports as the development of the emerging sports industry. What information does this high -profile e -sports event bring us?

E -sports positive value is affirmed

In the industrial achievement exhibition hall at the summit site, the booth with e -sports talent tests was crowded. Last summer, the e -sports talent test and evaluated the fire, and aimed at the training of talents for e -sports. The reality of "persuasion" was unexpectedly produced. Playing games does not mean that the concept of e -sports is also more popular.

While the E -sports was included in the official competition of the Asian Games, the International Olympic Committee also had many discussions and attempts on e -sports. In 2021, the first Olympic Virtual Series was held. In the "encourage the development of virtual movements and further interact with the video game community."

The "2022 Asian Gaming Industry Development Report" released at this summit shows that more than half of the netizens who have a certain understanding of e -sports are agreed with e -sports from China, Indonesia, the Philippines and India.

From the perspective of Zheng Gao, a visiting professor at the School of Animation and Digital Art of Communication University of China, the Hangzhou Asian Games provided an opportunity for e -sports to explain to the society. "Any new thing has to explain to the society. The Perak Dance is the first time to enter the Asian Games, but it is very similar to traditional sports, and e -sports is different."

Former Chinese women's volleyball coach Lang Ping became Tencent E -sports Athletic Exchange Officer last year. She said that although e -sports does not have high requirements for physical confrontation and physical fitness, but her hand -eye cooperation and competition concentration training is also very good Hard, e -sports competitions can also convey the spirit of not being afraid of suffering or persistent.

E -sports professionals face gaps

The "2022 Asian E -sports Industry Development Report" also shows that China has become the world's largest e -sports market. In 2022, global competition revenue will reach US $ 1.384 billion, China will provide about three about three e -sports markets worldwide One of the benefits.

However, under the complex and changeable situation of the new crown epidemic and the macroeconomic facing multiple stress background, the Chinese e -sports industry has also encountered unprecedented impact. According to the 2022 China e -sports industry report released by the China Audiovisual and Digital Publishing Association (hereinafter referred to as the "China Audio Number Association") E -sports Committee recently released, the first half of the year of the China E -sports Industry Report shows that from January to June this year, my country's e -sports industry revenue is 76.497 billion yuan RMB, a year -on -year decrease of 10.12%; the number of users was 487 million, and 0.41%was reduced. This is the first time that the two major data have been in the same statistics have fallen synchronously.

Zhang Yijun, the first chairman of the China Sounds Association, suggested that in addition to adhering to content construction and ecological construction, they should also adhere to the decline in talent construction. "At present, there are still many gaps in e -sports professionals, and a multi -level talent training system needs to be established to make up for enrichment."

The Asian Games e -sports shows Hangzhou elements

Tang Jiajun, deputy secretary -general of the China Soundrum Association, said that e -sports has important cultural attributes, can be combined with the city well, and can spread Chinese culture and Chinese stories through e -sports.

How to show e -sports cultural attributes in the Asian Games? Zhang Yijia, general manager of Tencent Interactive Entertainment Tianmei E -sports Center and head of King Glory E -sports, said that King Glory (Asian Games) will be integrated into the design of Hangzhou's famous attractions, landmark buildings, and urban culture in the design. "I hope that through e -sports, let the audiences in Asia and even the world see the charm of our Chinese cities."

Prior to the official start of the Hangzhou Asian Games E -sports competition, the "Asian Games March" event jointly launched by the Asian Olympic Council and the Asian Electronics Sports Federation will be launched first. At that time Exactly the same project. Through this event, e -sports enthusiasts are expected to experience the atmosphere of the Asian Games full of cultural elements in advance.

"In the" Asian Games "competition, in addition to presenting Chinese elements, we also plan to restore landmarks in various countries and regions in Asia through digital engines. Even interacted with it, "said Hou Miao, general manager of Tencent E -sports.

E -sports and traditional sports may be "harmonious and different"

After the Hangzhou Asian Games, is it the ultimate goal of e -sports to enter the Olympic Games? From the perspective of Wei Jizhong, vice chairman of the International E -sports Federation, the future of e -sports may be "harmonious" with traditional sports and walking out of its own emerging sports industry.

Wei Jizhong introduced that this year's Commonwealth E -sports Championship will be held as independent events and the Commonwealth Games at the same time. The International Olympic Committee, the 2024 Paris Olympics Organizing Committee, and the Los Angeles Olympic Games Organizing Committee in 2028, as well as organizers from Africa, South America, Panmei and other regional games will send representatives to inspect the British Federal E -sports Championship.

Wei Jizhong said that the two modes used by the Hangzhou Asian Games and the Commonwealth Games are the combination of e -sports and traditional games. "E -sports and traditional games are like two circles.Different ', I don’t have to integrate anyone. "(Xinhua News Agency, Hangzhou, July 28th. Reporters Wang Meng and Xia Liang)

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