These fines are canceled and adjusted!

Author:The official account of Xi'an Time:2022.07.30

On July 29th, the State Council's Journalism Office held a routine briefing of the State Council's policy. The relevant leaders of the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Transport, and the General Administration of Market Supervision introduced the relevant situation of cancellation and adjustment of a batch of fines.

On July 21, 2022, the State Council decided to cancel 29 fines and adjust 24 fines.

All fines that violate legal authority and procedures are canceled.

Those who do not meet the needs of economic and social development, violate the spirit of "decentralization of service", and are not conducive to optimizing the business environment, or if they are not fair or improper, they will be canceled or adjusted.

Anyone who can be regulated or managed in other ways can be canceled.

Zhao Changhua, Director of the Political Department of the Ministry of Justice: For example, before carrying a road transportation permit with the car, it is warned or fined if it is not brought. It is not necessary to regulate fines. At the same time, in the fine cleaning work, we also insist on safeguarding public interests and administrative order. While resolutely put an end to the fines, we do not simply clean up to clean up. No, no cleaning.

Source: CCTV Finance

Edit: Andy | Review: Situ roll

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