On July 29, 2022

Author:Heze Daily Time:2022.07.30

On July 29, 2022, at 0:00 to 24:00, there were 2 new local diagnosis cases in Heze City and 56 asymptomatic infections.

Curbine 10: Female, a native of Changleji Town, Cao County, Heze City. On July 29, a centralized isolation point was discovered. After consultation with experts, it was determined as a confirmed case, and the clinical type was light.

Confracted cases 11: Female, Niji Street, Cao County, Heze City. On July 29, a centralized isolation point was discovered. After consultation with experts, it was determined as a confirmed case, and the clinical type was light.

Announced asymptomatic infection 201: Female, native of Xicheng Street, Mudan District, Heze City. On July 29, a centralized isolation point was discovered. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

Announced asymptomatic infection 202: Male, native of Xicheng Street, Mudan District, Heze City. On July 29, a centralized isolation point was discovered. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

Asymptomatic infection 203: Male, from Mudan Street, Mudan District, Heze City, on July 29, a centralized isolation point was discovered. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

Announced asymptomatic infection 204: Male, a native of Toyoton Street, Heze Development Zone, discovered a centralized isolation point on July 29. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

Symptoms 205: Female, a native of Caoxianzhuang Town, Cao County, Heze City. On July 29, a centralized isolation point was discovered. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

Symptoms 206: Male, Caocheng Street, Cao County, Heze City, discovered at a centralized isolation point on July 29. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

Announced asymptomatic infection 207: Female, native of Xicheng Street, Mudan District, Heze City. On July 29, a centralized isolation point was discovered. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

Symptoms 208: Female, Mudan Street, Mudan District, Heze City. On July 29, a centralized isolation point was discovered. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

Announced asymptomatic infection 209: Female, Wang Haotun Town, Mudan District, Heze City. On July 29, a centralized isolation point was discovered. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

Asymptomatic infection 210: Male, a native of Xiaoliu Town, Mudan District, Heze City. On July 29, a centralized isolation point was discovered. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

Symptoms 211: Female, from Louzhuang Town, Caoxian County, Heze City. On July 29, a centralized isolation point was discovered. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

Symptoms 212: Male, from Louzhuang Town, Caoxian County, Heze City. On July 29, a centralized isolation point was discovered. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

Announced asymptomatic infection 213: Female, from Louzhuang Town, Caoxian County, Heze City. On July 29, a centralized isolation point was discovered. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

Symptomatic infection 214: Male, from Louzhuang Town, Caoxian County, Heze City. On July 29, a centralized isolation point was discovered. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

Symptomatic infection 215: Female, a native of Caoxianzhuang Town, Cao County, Heze City. On July 29, a centralized isolation point was discovered. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

Symptomatic infection 216: Male, from Louzhuang Town, Caoxian County, Heze City. On July 29, a centralized isolation point was discovered. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

Symptoms 217: Female, a native of Caoxianzhuang Town, Caoxian County, Heze City. On July 29, a centralized isolation point was discovered. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

Symptomatic infection 218: Female, a native of Caoxianzhuang Town, Cao County, Heze City. On July 29, a centralized isolation point was discovered. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

Symptomatic infection 219: Female, a native of Caoxianzhuang Town, Cao County, Heze City. On July 29, a centralized isolation point was discovered. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

Symptoms 220: Male, from Louzhuang Town, Caoxian County, Heze City. On July 29, a centralized isolation point was discovered. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

Symptoms 221: Female, from Louzhuang Town, Caoxian County, Heze City. On July 29, a centralized isolation point was discovered. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

Symptoms 222: Female, from Louzhuang Town, Caoxian County, Heze City. On July 29, a centralized isolation point was discovered. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

Announced asymptomatic infection 223: Female, from Louzhuang Town, Caoxian County, Heze City. On July 29, a centralized isolation point was discovered. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

Symptoms 224: Female, from Louzhuang Town, Caoxian County, Heze City. On July 29, a centralized isolation point was discovered. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

Symptoms 225: Male, from Louzhuang Town, Caoxian County, Heze City. On July 29, a centralized isolation point was discovered. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

Announced asymptomatic infection 226: Male, Niji Street, Cao County, Heze City, discovered at a centralized isolation point on July 29. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

Symptoms 227: Female, a native of Qinggang Ji Town, Cao County, Heze City. On July 29, a high -risk area screening found. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

Symptoms 228: Male, native of Qinggang Ji Town, Cao County, Heze City. On July 29, a centralized isolation point was discovered. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

Symptoms 229: Female, from Louzhuang Town, Caoxian County, Heze City. On July 29, a centralized isolation point was discovered. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

Announced asymptomatic infection 230: Female, from Louzhuang Town, Caoxian County, Heze City. On July 29, a centralized isolation point was discovered. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

Announced asymptomatic infection 231: Female, Niji Street, Cao County, Heze City, discovered at a centralized isolation point on July 29. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected. Symptoms 232: Female, from Louzhuang Town, Caoxian County, Heze City. On July 29, a centralized isolation point was discovered. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

Announced asymptomatic infection 233: Female, from Louzhuang Town, Caoxian County, Heze City. On July 29, a centralized isolation point was discovered. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

Symptoms 234: Male, from Louzhuang Town, Caoxian County, Heze City. On July 29, a centralized isolation point was discovered. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

Symptoms 235: Female, from Louzhuang Town, Caoxian County, Heze City. On July 29, a centralized isolation point was discovered. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

Announced asymptomatic infection 236: Male, from Louzhuang Town, Caoxian County, Heze City. On July 29, a centralized isolation point was discovered. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

Announced asymptomatic infection 237: Male, from Louzhuang Town, Caoxian County, Heze City. On July 29, a centralized isolation point was discovered. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

Symptoms 238: Female, from Louzhuang Town, Caoxian County, Heze City. On July 29, a centralized isolation point was discovered. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

Symptoms 239: Female, from Louzhuang Town, Caoxian County, Heze City. On July 29, a centralized isolation point was discovered. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

Announced asymptomatic infection 240: Female, from Louzhuang Town, Caoxian County, Heze City. On July 29, a centralized isolation point was discovered. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

Asymptomatic infection 241: Female, from Louzhuang Town, Caoxian County, Heze City. On July 29, a centralized isolation point was discovered. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

Announced asymptomatic infection 242: Female, from Louzhuang Town, Caoxian County, Heze City. On July 29, a centralized isolation point was discovered. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

Announced asymptomatic infection 243: Male, from Louzhuang Town, Caoxian County, Heze City. On July 29, a centralized isolation point was discovered. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

Announced asymptomatic infection 244: Female, from Louzhuang Town, Caoxian County, Heze City. On July 29, a centralized isolation point was discovered. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

Announced asymptomatic infection 245: Female, from Louzhuang Town, Caoxian County, Heze City. On July 29, a centralized isolation point was discovered. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

Announced asymptomatic infection 246: Female, from Louzhuang Town, Caoxian County, Heze City. On July 29, a centralized isolation point was discovered. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

Announced asymptomatic infection 247: Female, a native of Caoxianzhuang Town, Caoxian County, Heze City. On July 29, a centralized isolation point was discovered. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

Announced asymptomatic infection 248: Male, from Louzhuang Town, Caoxian County, Heze City. On July 29, a centralized isolation point was discovered. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

Announced asymptomatic infection 249: Male, from Louzhuang Town, Caoxian County, Heze City. On July 29, a centralized isolation point was discovered. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

Announced asymptomatic infection 250: Male, from Louzhuang Town, Caoxian County, Heze City. On July 29, a centralized isolation point was discovered. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

Announced asymptomatic infection 251: Female, from Louzhuang Town, Caoxian County, Heze City. On July 29, a centralized isolation point was discovered. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

Announced asymptomatic infection 252: Male, from Louzhuang Town, Caoxian County, Heze City. On July 29, a centralized isolation point was discovered. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

Announced asymptomatic infection 253: Male, from Louzhuang Town, Caoxian County, Heze City. On July 29, a centralized isolation point was discovered. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

Announced asymptomatic infection 254: Female, from Louzhuang Town, Caoxian County, Heze City. On July 29, a centralized isolation point was discovered. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

Symptoms 255: Male, from Louzhuang Town, Caoxian County, Heze City. On July 29, a centralized isolation point was discovered. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

Announced asymptomatic infection 256: Male, from Louzhuang Town, Caoxian County, Heze City. On July 29, a centralized isolation point was discovered. Experts were consultations and were asymptomatic infected.

At present, the current traceability work is underway. Please pay attention to the official information release. Citizen friends are requested to tighten the string of the epidemic prevention and control, maintain good personal hygiene habits, wear masks, wash hands, often ventilate, and gather less, do self -health monitoring, appear uncomfortable symptoms such as fever, cough, fatigue, and smell of smell. Please wear medical masks to go to the closer clinic immediately. If the relevant contact situation is concealed and the spread of the epidemic spread will be held in accordance with the law, the legal responsibility will be investigated in accordance with the law.

Office of Leading Group (Headquarters), Leading Group (Headquarters) of the Municipal Party Committee

July 30, 2022

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