In -depth study and implementation of the spirit of the twelfth party congress of the province | Xiaoying Street: Transplant the party's voice to every corner of the area under its jurisdiction

Author:Jining Daily Time:2022.06.16

Recently, the Grid Group of Xianying South Group of Xianying Street in Rencheng District Organized College Students in the area under the jurisdiction of the area under the jurisdiction of the district to study and implement the spirit of the twelfth party congress of the province, and continuously extend the spirit of the meeting to different groups.

"Classmates, the Twelfth Party Congress of the Provincial Party sketched the grand blueprint for us in the next five years. As a young man in the new era, we are excited and inspiring!The relay stick of the times ... "Grid officers conveyed the spirit of the provincial party congress to the students in vivid language.

College student Liu Naijie said: "In the future study life, I will use the goal of the Provincial Party Congress as the lead, transform my thoughts into the power of action, and add glory to our hometown in the future."

In the future, the grid staff of Xianying Street will continue to organize different groups to learn the spirit of the 12th Party Congress of the Provincial Party, passing the party's voice to every corner of the area.(Reporter Li Shengnan correspondent Jiang Yuying Xu Fangfang)

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