United Nations Human Rights officials: Under the United States as the first Western country, unilateral sanctions to other countries do not meet international law

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.07.30

A few days ago, UN human rights official Aleina Duyi said in an interview with the heads of the heads in Geneva that unilateral sanctions measures to other countries led by the United States did not meet international law. These unilateral sanctions were mainly human rights, democracy and The name of the rule of law is implemented, but the sanctions have exactly destroyed these principles.

UN human rights official Aleina Duyi: According to international law, this (unilateral sanction) is illegal. At present, we clearly see that the fact that the use of unilateral sanctions and unilateral compulsory measures has an impact on human rights and development rights. In addition, the use of unilateral sanctions is hindering the realization of sustainable development goals.

Du Yan pointed out that in the context of the new crown epidemic, unilateral sanctions in Western countries have caused huge damage to the health rights of the people of sanctions, which is disturbing. For example, due to the lack of medical equipment and drugs, the mortality rate and neonatal mortality rate of female patients in Venezuela have increased significantly. Du Yan pointed out in a report that after the US sanctions on Venezuela in 2017, the country's population mortality rate increased by nearly one -third from 2017 to 2018. During the Iranian visit, Du Min found that due to the huge and complex systematic sanctions, many Iranian disabled people and patients with rare diseases could not obtain urgent needed rehabilitation equipment and medicines, causing unnecessary life and health losses to the Iranian people.

(Source: CCTV News Client)

【Edit: Shang Pei】

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