Cultivate accurate cultivation to help grow!4 Yangpu companies stand out from this entrepreneurial innovation contest

Author:Shanghai Yangpu Time:2022.07.30

The 2 -month project collection, a 1 -month district -level event competition, the 5th China Innovation Wing Entrepreneurship Innovation Contest hosted by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security's "New Era of Creation, Congress the Chinese Dream" After layer of screening, 4 Yangpu companies finally stood out.

Blue Star Light domain (Shanghai) Aerospace Technology Co., Ltd., Lengqiu (Shanghai) IoT Technology Co., Ltd. won the third prize and winning prize of the main competition manufacturing industry; Shanghai Liangzhen Information Technology Co., Ltd., Jiong for Smart Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. The company won the third prize and winning prize of the main competition service industry.

The 5th "China Innovation Wings" Entrepreneurship Innovation Competition has a main game, manufacturing group, main competition, service industry, youth creative special competition and rural revitalization special competition. Organizing planning, four online preaching sessions such as the Daocuanggu Function Zone, Daiso Function Zone, Tongji Knowledge Economic Circle, and colleges and universities have brought corporate training, financial tax, small and medium -sized enterprises practical policies and training for the participating projects. The base trial platform and the introduction of college students' green channels have been settled in online lectures, which have attracted a total of nearly 350 people to listen.

After the strong support and recommendation of the park, campus, and communities, the total number of project registration in the Yangpu area reached 217, an increase of 20%compared with the previous session. 90 projects passed the online review, and 31 projects were shortlisted for the Yangpu finals.

There are both scientific researchers and scholars who are at the forefront of innovation, as well as the vigorous team of college students. High education, high -precision, and internationalization are the unique highlights of this Yangpu area. 43%of the participants are from college students, 44%of the master's degree and or above academic qualifications, and 18%are returnees from studying abroad. Participating project coverage is widely covered, including R & D design, biomedicine, equipment manufacturing, medical health, Internet TMT, cultural creativity, information technology, modern service industry and other fields. Item patents, and have won excellent honors in their respective fields. In addition, the participating companies have a significant effect of employment, of which teams have the highest proportion of teams.

After the district -level competition in full swing, 31 participating projects launched an impact on the district -level championship, and each showed the exhibition on the "cloud ring" set up by the "screen -to -screen". The Yangpu finals attracted more than 50,000 people to observe in the cloud, including financial institutions and investment experts. It is reported that investors of investors such as relays, Yuandu Venture Capital, and Shanghai Xinchu have thrown "olive branches" to more than 20 participating projects.

The competition ended and the service continued. The subsequent Human Resources and Social Security Department of Yangpu District will also bring 50,000 to 100,000 yuan enterprises to the municipal -level enterprises to help the development of gold; provide a "group -style" entrepreneurial service package for projects in the finalist. Docking urban policies; one -on -one services for investors, one -on -one services; free global entrepreneurial week (Chinese station), National Double Innovation Week Shanghai Main Club, National Double Innovation Service Show Based outdoor large -screen playback entrepreneurial publicity videos; priority recommendation as "new entrepreneurial seedlings" and other services. Further implementation of the competition industry, promoting production by competition, empowering the competition, actively helping entrepreneurial enterprises to accelerate the growth, and the same direction, and peers with makers, and strive to promote Regional dual -innovation high -quality development.

Text: Dou Yuqi

Edit: Zhang Tianyi

*Reprinted, please indicate the official WeChat from Shanghai Yangpu

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