Life miracle!Putian "Law Baby" was discharged safely after 102 days after the level

Author:Putian released Time:2022.07.30

On July 26, the super premature child (pseudonym) was abacus to be discharged from the neonatal intensive care unit of the neonatal hospital affiliated hospital affiliated hospital. This fetus is only 25+5 -day super -early birth. After 102 days of careful treatment and care by medical staff, weighing from 880 grams at birth to 3170 grams, returning to the embrace of parents. On the same day, Xiaoxing's mother sent flowers and brocade flags to the hospital's neonatal medical staff to express gratitude.

Xiaoxing's mother had a history of abortion, and she showed signs of premature birth again at 25 weeks of pregnancy. On April 15, Chen Zhiqiang, a neonatal doctor of the Affiliated Hospital of Putian College, immediately rushed to the delivery room to wait for the baby to be born. The newborn little star had no autonomous breathing, her body was stubborn, her limbs were relaxed, and the medical staff immediately gave a series of recovery such as tracheal intubation, heart compressor, and warmth. After stability, the transfer heating box and mobile ventilator were used to switch to NICU.

The organs of the newly admitted to the hospital are immature, which can easily cause various complications, which is difficult to treat. Zhou Jianfu, director of the hospital's newborn department, and Chen Liqing, chief physician, led the team members to tailor the individual diagnosis and treatment plan for the small stars, and dynamically adjusted according to the daily data. Even diaper must be carefully weighed. At the same time, evaluate various parameters and monitor their vital signs in real time.

Under the careful care of the medical staff 24 hours a day, Xiaoxing successfully wore thorns from breathing, circulating, infection, bleeding, and feeding.

In order to make Xiaoxing better return to the family, the nurse chief Zheng Xiaoxian asked the baby mother to enter the ward to participate in family -style care, and organized the specialty nurse of the department to teach the mother how to feed, how to prevent milk, change the diapers, touch, kangaroo -style care, etc. A series of life care skills, strengthen their family members' confidence after returning home, and help Xiaoxing successfully transition home from the neonatal intensive care unit.

The neonatal department of the Affiliated Hospital of Putian College is the Department of Putian Newborn Severe Professional Quality Control Center. The technologies such as hemostatic replacement treatment "," high -frequency oscillating ventilation combined with NO inhalation technology "," continuous brain function monitoring+whole body sub -temperature technology treatment HIE "and other technologies have successively filled the city's technology gap in the pediatric field and reached the advanced level of the province. The minimum birth weight of premature babies that were successfully cured were only 740 grams, and the minimum fetal age was 25 weeks; 1000g of birth weight> 1000g, extremely low -weight premature babies' rescue success rate reached more than 98%.

(Source: Fujian Daily Client Reporter: Chen Shengzhong Correspondent: Chen Jianfei Zheng Yanqin text/picture editor: Huang Bin)

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