Violation of the epidemic prevention and control regulations for a man in Neijiang, Sichuan, was investigated and punished by the police

Author:Cover news Time:2022.07.30

Cover reporter Jia Jiao

On July 30, the reporter learned from the Municipal Central Bureau of the Public Security Bureau of the Sichuan City Public Security Bureau that a man in Neijiang did not comply with the provisions of the epidemic prevention and control regulations, and the specific situation was as follows.

Zhao Moumou, male, dining at a restaurant at Jinniu District, Chengdu on July 21, 2022, was judged to be closely contacted with the time space with the confirmation case with Jinniu District, and there may be a risk of new crown infection. After the meal, Zhao Moumou returned to Neijiang by Didi. After arriving in Neijiang, Zhao Moumou did not comply with relevant regulations on the prevention and control of the epidemic. He neither reported it to the community, nor did he conduct a three -day twice nucleic acid test. And caused panic in the masses, bringing huge hidden risks to the city's epidemic prevention and control work.

On July 22, after receiving the alarm of the Municipal Bureau of the Municipal Central District of the Public Security Bureau of Neijiang, the police and community staff of the Baima Police Station immediately transferred it to the concentrated isolation place and disinfected their residence and work. During the isolation, Zhao Moumou's nucleic acid testing was negative.

At present, Zhao Moumou is under further investigation due to violation of the relevant provisions of the epidemic prevention and control. After the expiration of the isolation period, it will be administrative punishment according to law.

Legal basis

According to the provisions of Article 50 of the "Punishment Law of the People's Republic of China", if the decision or order issued by the People's Government in accordance with the law is refused to implement the people's government in an emergency situation, it is warned or a fine of less than 200 yuan; Detention for more than ten days a day can be fined below 500 yuan.

In addition, if the transmission of the new coronary virus or is seriously dangerous, it may be suspected of violating Article 330 of the Criminal Law, which constitutes the crime of obstructing the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases; Public places or public transportation, which causes the spread of new coronary viruses, may be suspected of violating Article 114 and 115 of the Criminal Law, which constitutes the crime of harming public safety by dangerous methods.

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