For the first "Open Day", they invited residents to "physical examinations" for the facilities and equipment of the community

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.07.30

"It turns out that the elevator is not stuck, but a safe waiting instruction." "At the event site, more than 10 owners of the community took the children. Under the leadership and explanation of the property staff, they not only visited the community equipment room, and saw the work of elevator consoles, water pump rooms, fire pump rooms and monitoring centers. On -site observing elevator emergency drills and fire emergency drills, a new understanding of elevator safety and fire safety management in the community, and a thumbs up for the intimate service of the property on the spot.

The elevator here is the first to install the smart "brain"

When you walk into the elevator room, you will find that the entire computer room is clean and bright, full of modernity. The hosts, control cabinets, steel wire ropes, speed limiters, power cabinets, cloud housekeepers and other equipment are all available, which are neatly arranged.

The property staff explained the facilities and equipment of the elevator room to visit the owner.

"I learned the safety knowledge about elevators and fire protection at school, but I have never seen these large facilities and equipment at a close range." Peng Changxu, a 12 -year -old owner this year, was very emotional. He said that he was interested in smart machinery since he was a child. At this event, I quickly asked my mother to sign up. "I saw how these intelligent devices work on the spot, and I felt quite shocking. Finally, I could realize what technology is to change life."

At the monitoring center, the staff on the spot introduced the "smart brain" of the elevator room in detail - "cloud steward" control system. This intelligent management system was the first to introduce Wanjiahongtai Property last year. It can use artificial intelligence to analyze elevator data and eliminate the hidden danger of elevator in the bud.

Property staff led the small owners to visit the "intelligent control room" in the community.

Zhou Pengfei, Secretary of the Party Branch of Wanjiahongtai Property, introduced that the company has always paid much attention to the safety of the elevator and puts forward requirements for all the projects of management -elevator monitoring must be used normally, small faults must be dealt with within 24 hours, and major issues must also be on 3 working days. If the elevator uses the elevator, the owner must respond to the elevator problem within 15 minutes, and inform, explain, and reply within 8 hours.

According to engineers, the community existing fire pump rooms, living water pump rooms, power distribution rooms, monitoring centers and 12 elevator rooms. These equipment rooms are supervised by the "four -grid interconnect" system. It guarantees twice a day and conducts a large hygiene clearance once a week. "Because of the good maintenance, our equipment has a good rate of 98 %."

They asked the owner to "stab" for the property work

"For the first time I participated in such an open day, I can see the property work process and facilities and equipment, and I can also put forward my own opinions and opinions on the spot. This form is very novel, which also makes our owners feel that living in such a community is very very good There is a sense of security. "Aunt Qin, the owner of the 7 -year -old grandson, said sincerely.

The event booth was filled with various facilities and equipment in the community, and the small owner was studying the brochure.

"In order to strengthen the governance of the grassroots, the owners need to participate in it and help the property together with the 'managing' community." Secretary Zhou Pengfei introduced that the "Owner Open Day" is the first innovative attempt of Wanjiahongtai Property on property management work.

Secretary Zhou Pengfei introduced that the biggest problem encountered in the current property service work is that there are information exchange between property service companies and owners, which requires the way of communicating and solving problems. This time, with the "Open Day" innovation and communication mode, the owner invited the owner to visit and observe on the spot to conduct a comprehensive "physical examination" of the property service work. Come to "pick up ', see where the property fee is more intuitively."

"Actually, this is just a reflection of the property of the property with the heart." Secretary Zhou Pengfei introduced that Wan Jiahongtai's property has always paid great attention to the three parties of the community, property and industry committee. Take the Bai Ruijing Community, for example, the three -party linkage communication meeting of the three -party linkage communication meeting of the topic of the signing of real estate service contracts, four -asset transfer, public income distribution, and construction of key projects has been held throughout the year. At the same time, for the first time, a third -party institution was hired to carry out the owner's service satisfaction evaluation, forming an objective, authentic and professional "Research Report on the Owners Satisfaction Survey". quality. In addition, Wanjiahongtai Property also used holiday opportunities to innovate and plan community cultural activities that all types of owners like.

In the intelligent water pump room, parents and children listen to the property staff to explain the working principle.

"In the later period, we will also innovate more creative activities." Secretary Zhou Pengfei introduced that at present, there are many disputes in the property management industry. Through various activities, the owners can not only understand the property service work, but also reduce the disputes and get closer to the closure The distance between the property and the owner promotes the communication between the two parties. At the same time, the problems and phenomena of the community existing are sorted out and summarized, so that the property company will improve the lack of service in the service work in a timely manner.

"As a state -owned enterprise property, Wanjiahongtai Property showed its responsibility in daily work." According to the relevant person in charge of the Liyuzhou Community in Jiangdi Street, Hanyang District, in recent years, the carbuguzhou community and Wanjiahongtai Property have implemented a "intimate" warm service service By establishing special service brands such as "Yang Xiaoyi" outdoor workers' stations and red stations, the focus of services is transferred from the community to the community to the community, and the "hand -in front of the hand" of the residents. The person is also a good helper for the community to do a good job of long -term grass -roots governance. The community and the property and the industry committee jointly serve the residents of the community to provide residents with more intimate and comprehensive services to help residents effectively solve the 'difficult things and annoyance around them. "In the future, 16" smart parks "will be created in the city

10 -inch indoor smart hosts, door machines, Android 10 -inch center management machines, gimbal cameras, top infrared detectors, four -grid interconnect smart platforms; visitors can contact the owner through remote intercom, and they can also open the door remotely. Through the visual intercom to the property, even the neighbors can use smart intercoms to meet together ... such a life scene in science fiction movies, in the "Open Day" of the China Railway · Jinqiao River Garden Community. After observing, the owners have a deeper understanding and understanding of this smart community they live in.

Intelligent facilities and equipment in the "Smart Park" are widely used.

It can be seen at the scene that on the basis of the use of conventional intelligent technology systems, the community uses new technologies such as intelligent one -way cartoon management system, smart butler system, smart vehicle lane slogan system, intelligent monitoring system, and smart express delivery. Community software provides more intelligent community service platforms for community e -commerce, community life, and property management.

Secretary Zhou Pengfei introduced that today, when the industry is seeking informatization and Internet, the competition in the property industry is becoming more and more intense. In order to enhance the market competitiveness of the enterprise and break through the bottleneck of development.

"In the future, we plan to build 16 smart parks in the city. 6 this year will be implemented. At present, pilots have been piloted in two communities." Secretary Zhou Pengfei introduced that high -quality development in the city has accelerated, and the requirements for property services for property services are getting increasingly increasing. The higher the higher, the more Wanjiahongtai Property will build an intelligent information platform through the construction of the smart park, and use data statistics and analysis functions to fully grasp the community situation, and improve management efficiency with a more intelligent property management model. "In addition, the scope of property services scope Continuous expansion can also be achieved with the help of intelligent platforms. In addition to traditional property services, parking space services, cleaning security maintenance, etc., it has now extended many types of services such as decoration, housing rental, parking space management and operation, and community e -commerce. "Text/Leng Jinghua)

【Edit: Yang Yonghui】

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