+Sound | After the post -90s guy resigned, did such a thing ... For the rest of your life, please don't wait

Author:Southern Plus client Time:2022.07.30

There is a "+sound" in the south, and every weekend at 10 pm meets you on time.

31 days and 15,000 kilometers, such a trip is not easy for ordinary people.

From the Gulba Tong Gutt Desert to the Sailimi Lake, the post -90s guy Zhao Tianci, the post -90s young man, pushed the mother with a gradual syndrome on the wheelchair to swim in the vast Xinjiang area.

For this trip, Zhao Tianci prepared for half a year. In June of this year, he submitted a resignation letter to the unit and opened his trip with his mother.

Zhao Tianci said that he was also worried before departure, but when he thought of not being realized this time, it might really be difficult to have a chance in the future. This trip was not only to fulfill the mother's wish or to fulfill her wishes.

They passed through Manas County, Dushanzi District, Kucha, and enjoyed the beauty of snow mountains, grasslands, lakes, forests, and canyons along the Duku Highway, and appreciated the magical scenery of Dushanzi Grand Canyon and Nalati, Bayin Brook The vast beauty of the grassland; feel the pastoral life of Muhu Lake in the next Snow Mountain and the customs of Kanas, the world.

In this trip, Zhao Tianci not only acts as a driver and tour guide, but also cuts the schedule of the day with his mother every night to record a video, leaving precious memories. Although he usually sleeps at 3 or four in the morning, more often, Zhao Tianci is still worried that his mother will not be able to eat.

"In this trip, I admire my mother's perseverance very much. Compared with normal people, her persistence is more difficult." Zhao Tianci said, "Even if the mother is sitting, it will hurt, so every two or three hundred kilometers of service to the service to the service to the service. During the district, I would help her stand for a while and relax her muscles. In this way, we insisted on finishing this 15,000 kilometers. "

After returning from Xinjiang, Zhao Tianci still shared on social platforms from time to time to share daily drips with her mother: help her mother haircut, take her mother to the supermarket ...

Although her mother was weak, Zhao Tianci took care of her mother very mentally, always smiling. Zhao Tianci said that after this trip, the mother's state was much better than before, full of confidence in life, the world is beautiful, and waiting for them to continue to explore.

The videos released by Zhao Tianci in social media also inspired many people, among them, there are many patients with felmeal. Zhao Tianci said that his mother used to be a person who loves life and loves travel. Since the illness, he always takes his mother to travel on weekends and annual leave, hoping to keep her with a positive and optimistic attitude.

"In the future, we will continue to fulfill our dreams. This time, we will go to the northern Xinjiang, and next time we want to go to the southern Xinjiang to experience the customs and customs in the southern Xinjiang. We prefer to drink tea and want to go to Yunnan again. Make your mother happy and stick to the day when the miracle appears. "Zhao Tianci said.

We always want to come to Japan, and want to wait until the career is successful. When we work, we are no longer busy. When we have time, we will accompany our parents, and then take them to walk around to see the joy of God.

Only forgotten the cruel time, and the time never waited.

Unconsciously, the parents' hair was white, his eyes were spent, and his legs and feet were not good, and he suddenly found that he owed them too much.

A writer once wrote: I believe that every child who is sincere and loyal has promised "filial piety" to his parents in his heart. He believes that he comes to Japan and believes that water is successful. Essence It is a pity that people forget that the cruelty of time, the shortcomings of life, forgetting the kindness that can never repay in the world, and forget the vulnerability of life itself.

Many important things in life are lost because they are waiting to wait.

Some people once said: "A family is a countdown love. What we can do is to cherish the limited time and do our best to keep your parents regret."

Parents don't want much, but they are more accompanying their children.

Accompany your parents, don't wait; filial piety to parents, don't wait; that is, in front of you, that is, don't let filial piety nowhere to place, don't let yourself have regrets.

Maybe we can't take our parents to play in the distance like Zhao Tianci, but we can do our best to do something for our parents:

For example, take parents for physical examination every year;

Buy appropriate insurance for parents;

Remember your parents' birthday, prepare gifts;

Play less mobile phones at home, communicate more with your parents, talk about your work and new friends;

Leaving home, I often go home and take a look. If you can't do it, call more and chat ...

Life comes and go, and the coming day is not long. We have what we have at the moment, and cherish it.

Don't wait for the fate before you are nostalgic for the feelings; don't wait for your loved ones to get the warmth; don't wait for your own old to make up for the regret.

For the rest of your life, don't wait!

Today's "+sound" is over, thank you for listening.


Southern Selection

+Sound | She gave up a high salary and became the "first secretary", died at the age of 30, leaving infinite wealth

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Source | Xinhua Daily Telecom, the Voice of China of the Central Radio and Television Station, Dahe Daily, and Uncle Bei have an appointment

Anchor | Ansi

Recording | Huang Zewei

Edit | Zhuo Peiyi

School pair | Ju Weiqiang

- END -

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