[Learn and implement the spirit of the 14th Provincial Party Congress] Suzhou: "Red" leads the "bacon casting soul" for rural revitalization

Author:Jiuquan Daily Time:2022.06.16

Rural rejuvenation, culture first, party building leadership, party members to attack. Since the beginning of this year, Yinda Town, Suzhou District has adhered to "all work party building leadership, all difficult party building problems", focusing on the general requirements of rural revitalization strategy, continuously strengthened the "red Yinda" party building brand, give full play to the traditional cultural advantages, shape the simple and civilized civilization Good village wind and folk customs, inject strong spiritual forces into the revitalization of the countryside.

Software and hardware is promoted simultaneously, occupying the main position of red culture. Focusing on the promotion of rural rejuvenation of party building, promoting the "four grasping and two rectifications" work, standardizing and improving the three positions of party branches, red education and training bases, and party member pioneer bases, transforming 4 village -level party and mass service positions. There are 2 standard cultural theater, 2 cultural fitness squares, 24 sets of supporting fitness and entertainment equipment, 46 new group -level cultural rooms, and continuous improvement of hardware facilities. "Become a high -quality carrier of spreading the party's voice and conveying the party's warmth. Overall the use of existing public service facilities to give full play to the role of red cultural talent training bases, establish a cultural talent training mechanism with the city and district cultural museums, regularly invite professionals to rehearse guidance, form 14 farmers amateur art troupe, farmers' self -music classes 25, 38 song and dance groups, 14 social fire teams, and 136 family singing teams, highlighting "red leadership, cultural gathering force", actively broaden the channels for practical talent training, leads red education with culture, and strives to cultivate a batch of batch "Understand arrangements, instrumental music, and performance", which is active in the first -tier literary and artistic background of the countryside, effectively improves the ideological and moral quality of rural party members and the masses, and constantly injects "fresh blood" into the rural revitalization team.

Activate cultural heritage and help industrial revitalization. Based on the red cultural heritage, highlight the ecological specialties of Gobi agriculture and wetland, give full play to the advantages of the suburban area, focus on the development of the tourism industry, organize various literary festivals, and make every effort to build a "cultural tourism town". The red education resources such as Yinda Red Education and Training Base, Shennong and Civil Farming Museums have become lines, and create a research and visit line that integrates party building, training, visits, and tourism. Adhere to cultural and economic singing, and organize a series of cultural festivals such as cultural tourism art festivals, picking festivals, celebrating commemorative activities, literary performances, special agricultural products exhibitions, etc., and support tourist attractions to hold sand sculptures, dragon boat races, cultural sharing conferences, etc. Various types of tourism experience activities have driven rural catering folklore, fruit and vegetable picking, leisure fishing, research education and other agricultural and tourism integration industries to continuously grow, further prosper the rural economy, and expand the channels for farmers' income.

Gathering the practice of civilization, breeding the new style of civilization. Focusing on the grass -roots party organizations of building a strong construction, giving full play to the role of villagers' main role in improving the level of rural governance, making every effort to build a governance model of political, autonomous, rule of law, and moral governance. The specific issues of no, moral can not be controlled ". Organize various types of civilized practice activities in the new era, create high -quality party lessons, and promote red education into institutions, schools, enterprises, village groups, and expand red education through "offline+online teaching+on -site teaching". The audience has effectively improved the level of rural morality. In the village party organizations to carry out the "three lines, four knowledge and five couplets" activities, widely collect the difficulties and problems encountered by contact households in production and life, and actively bridge the masses and solve problems. It set off a trend of upward. Actively carry out a series of selection activities such as "Suzhou Pioneer", "the most beautiful figure", "the most beautiful family", "good daughter -in -law, good mother -in -law", and use the actual actions of advanced typical characters to make the civilized fashion change from abstract.

Yinda Town will continue to gather in the whole region, make full use of the advantages of wetland parks, agricultural industrial parks, historical and cultural relics, red culture and other advantageous resources, vigorously develop attractions in investment promotion, and actively cooperate with the support of West Lake Wetland Park and small seed industry small industry. While the construction of key projects such as towns, desert parks, etc., we encourage mobilizing small attractions such as agricultural leisure, picking, catering, homestays, etc. to mobilize the ring line. The global tourism development model of Bishui Wetland+History of Monument "continues to expand the influence of Yinda's cultural influence, form a benign interaction of production, life, ecology and culture, and realize the integration and coordinated development of agriculture, rural areas, and farmers.

(Source: Red Yinda)

Editor in charge: Li Yuefan

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