Is it so hard in Asian neighbors?Indian aircraft carrier delivered, South Korea drove down the water, fighter aircraft exported to Europe

Author:Xinmin Evening News Time:2022.07.31

It is believed that China's military industry industry will be right to the development of these military industry in neighboring countries. When seeing that Asian neighbors, Chinese enterprises will provide more high -quality military equipment for the Chinese People's Liberation Army in the future, and to achieve the goal of strong military goals in the future, to achieve the goal of strong military goals Continuously contribute.

Text | Sea Casten

Remember the aircraft carrier of "Vikrant"? The aircraft carrier that repeatedly announced the launch in Indian Kachin Shipyard, India's first domestic aircraft carrier, finally, finally, finally delivered the Indian Navy. When the Indian Ministry of National Defense announced the news on July 28, in another direction of the Asian and European continent, the Korean Peninsula, the South Korean Hyundai Headquarters in Ulshan, and the new generation of Aegis destroyers in South Korea Laing in water.

"Victor" carrier carrier helicopter test map: Indian Stan Times Times

"King Zhengzu" water launching ceremony

India and South Korea are neighboring countries in China.

When India proudly claims that because of the delivery of "Vikrant", it has made it the sixth country in the world to build a medium -sized aircraft carrier independently; when some South Korean media claims to be the level of the "king of Zhengzu" surpassing China 055, 055 When a big destroyer. Uncle Hai feels that we should face it.


The construction process of the Indian aircraft carrier is quite bumpy, but it does not prevent India's pride and pride after the aircraft carrier delivered to the Navy. In 1999, when it started designing, it seemed to lead Asia. At least, at that time, the Chinese Navy did not even have the shadow of the carrier. India is already a user of imported second -hand aircraft carriers. At that time, it was claimed to initiate independent design and construction, and it was undoubtedly because there were aircraft carriers in their hands, and many references could be performed.

By 2005, when the Kerchin Shipyard began to build the "Vikrant", the Indian military's eye Baba hoped to use domestic aircraft carriers in the 190s. I do n’t know, this is 17 years, and it has entered the 1920s in the morning.

The Indian Navy spokesman congratulated its first domestic aircraft carrier delivery map: Indian Navy spokesman social media Twitter screenshot

In the meantime, in August 2013, the "Vikrant" announced the launch of the water, and then announced several times the water -Uncle Hai was not detailed here. What is the main reason? Friends who have heard of India revealed that, in addition to the construction and construction of the "Vikrant" itself, the dock of the Kerchin Shipyard is limited, and sometimes it receives new orders and has to let the "Vikrant" bubble in the water in the water. After the order ship is made, let the "Vikrant" return to the furnace, or return to the dock.

Finally, this 40,000 -ton aircraft carrier is delivered. India has become the sixth country that can build medium -sized aircraft carriers in the era of jet fighters after the United States, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, France, and China.

The Indian Navy's statement claims that the level of the domestic aircraft carrier can be compared with the active aircraft carrier. The "Victor" Modification was constructed from the Kielshkov Navy, the final ship "General Gorhkov" built during the Soviet period introduced by Russia.

"Vikrant" related data map: India Express News

Uncle Hai wants to say that Russia's current self -use "General Kuznetsov Navy", and China's predecessor "Warkeg" aircraft carrier, all of which are the successor model of Kuznetzsov, the successor -level model. Class aircraft carrier. Compared with the two, regardless of the tonnage and design, the Kuznetsov level must surpass the Kyiv level. But India does have proud aspects. After all, since the disintegration of the Soviet Union, how can the Russian Federation have been built?

At the beginning of the introduction of the "Vikhamatia" that year, India also invited Russian military workers to help transform, and also purchased the Russian Mig-29 aircraft as a carrier-based aircraft of this ship. Today, India is in The development of aircraft carriers has a lot of smell of Russia's single drying. For example, in the selection of carrier -based aircraft carrier -based aircraft, the American and French goods PK gave up Russian products in advance.


From the perspective of the construction cycle of the aircraft carrier, the "Vikate" is seventeen or eight years, and the construction cycle of China's "Shandong" and the "Fujian" aircraft carrier is far shorter than the "Victor" " Essence

However, when it comes to the construction cycle of large destroyers, China's 055 cannot be considered fast. Checking the origin of the "King of Zhengzu" in South Korea is surprising unknowingly. In October 2019, during the South Korea International Maritime Defense Industry Exhibition opened at Busan, South Korea, the South Korean Ministry of Defense Equipment Office officially issued a contract to build three KDX-III-BATCHII destroyers. Unexpectedly, in July 2022, the first large -scale destroyer of the South Korean Navy was launched. The total cost is less than three years.

"Zhengzu King" recent photo: Yonhap News Agency

Some military fans analyzed that the pre -processing and cutting of the board of the "King of Zhengzu" may begin in February 2020. The preliminary construction, including the segment construction phase, ended in October 2021. The keel of the ancestors ". At present, the South Korean Navy said that the "Kings of Zhengzu" may be served in 2024. In this way, the ship has been signed from the construction contract to joining the combat sequence, and the total time is about 5 years.

In contrast, the "Nanchang" first ship "Nanchang" in China has been built since the end of 2014, launched in June 2017, and officially served in January 2020. The total construction cycle may be 6 years. If so, the birth cycle of "King Zhengzu" is shorter than the "Nanchang".

On July 28, the "King of the Ancestor" laid off the water, and South Korea's first lady Kim Jianxi cut 4 knives before cutting the cable to break the cable. South Korean netizens also claimed that the "King of Zhengzu" was already the first destroyer built in Asian countries. In the view of Uncle Hai, this destroyer is 4 meters longer than the previous "King of Sejong" to 170 meters. The displacement may be more than 12,000 tons of destroyers. Note, do not underestimate. But the Chinese military fans don't have to have a long heart of South Korea. At present, China ’s 055 Drive has been in service with the“ Yan'an ”. What does this mean? There are two possibilities--

The first possibility is that China's aircraft carrier formation plan does not need more 10,000 tons of large drives for the time being. This means that China ’s 10,000 -ton driver is generally serving the carrier formation. As for the task of general warfare duty and other tasks, large and medium -sized ships can only be used to fight alone.

The second possibility is that there will be a large -scale domestic destroyer in China in the future. Type 055 may have completed the mission of construction.

There is no doubt that the Chinese Navy's ideas and preparations for the founding of the Korean Navy are different. We do not need to be higher than one of similar items.


In India and South Korea, there are large ships or delivery or launching in the water, and there is another noteworthy situation-South Korean finished aircraft entered the European market for the first time, exporting 48 FA-50 light fighters to Poland, worth $ 3 billion.

Some netizens said that the aircraft was not as good as China's J-10.

FA-50 aircraft produced by South Korea

Indeed, the FA-50 produced by South Korea is known as the "narrow version of F-16", but this is not a derogatory theory. In itself, the comparative object of the FA-50 is neither a Chinese-made J-10 nor the F-16 of the United States. Now it has won the procurement contract of NATO countries at a low price than the F-16, which also shows the ability of South Korean military workers to some extent. After all, NATO procurement military products have some strict norms.

In addition to the aircraft, on July 27, the Polish Department of Defense also stated that 980 Korean K2 chariot and 648 Korean domestic K-9 self-propelled artillery should be introduced.

This amount is not small!

A European country, to import so many military equipment from South Korea in East Asia, this does show that it has not changed for a hundred years, and the world is changing. We might as well pay attention to the changes in these situations.

Tomorrow is the Bayi Army Festival. It is believed that China's military industry industry will be right to the development of these military industry in neighboring countries. When seeing that Asian neighbors, Chinese enterprises will provide more high -quality military equipment for the Chinese People's Liberation Army in the future, and to achieve the goal of strong military goals in the future, to achieve the goal of strong military goals Continuously contribute. At the same time, China's military export industry will definitely grow up healthily.

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