In 2022, Air Force Airlines may see new equipment may be seen

Author:China Youth Daily Client Time:2022.07.31

On the morning of July 31, the Air Force Aviation Open Activities and Changchun Aviation Exhibition press conference were held in Beijing. The spokesman for the Air Force, Shen Jin University, Jianhong University of the Air Force, Jianhong University, and the Air Force Equipment Department Li Hongpeng introduced the overall arrangement and participation of the event. Equipment situation, and answer questions from reporters. China Youth Daily · reporter Zheng Tianran/Photo

China Youth Daily Client, Beijing, July 31 (China Youth Daily · China Youth Network reporter Zheng Tianran) At the press conference of the Air Force Aviation Open Activities and Changchun Aviation Exhibition held this morning, Li Hongpeng, the Air Force Equipment Department, introduced this year. The types of exhibition equipment for aviation open activities have increased compared with the previous session. In the past, the equipment that had not seen aviation activities in the past may see this year.

According to reports, during this Air Force Aviation Open event and Changchun Aviation Show, the Air Force will select the main equipment of active duty to participate in the air flight display and ground static display, and the system shows the construction of equipment construction such as air combat, ground air defense, early warning, and airdrop airlighting airborne.

Li Hongpeng introduced that the new achievement of air force equipment construction this time was mainly reflected in three aspects: First, the main battle equipment was interdependent. A large number of new types of equipment delivered forces, the air offensive capabilities have made great progress, the accurate strike capacity of the land and the sea has significantly improved, and the anti -aircraft anti -missile system has actual combat capabilities. The second is that the equipment system is more perfect. The scale of equipment above the three generations has increased significantly, the level of informatization continues to increase, and the new equipment is delivered to the army in batches. Third, the ability of independent innovation has been greatly improved. Basically form a system with complete and proper scale, independent research and development, production, and maintenance guarantee system, and the driving force for innovation and development has continued to increase, supporting the Air Force to develop farther, higher, faster, and stronger.

Li Hongpeng said that over the past 70 years, the construction of the Air Force equipment has gone through the process of introducing digestion, independent research and development to innovation and development. In the new era, the Air Force accelerated the transformation and construction of equipment in accordance with the strategic requirements of the "air and sky, offensive and defensive" strategic requirements, and gradually formed the strategic capacity, and the diversified task capabilities were significantly improved. In the near future, the Air Force equipment will be displayed in front of the Chinese and the world with a updated appearance. In order to safeguard national sovereignty, security and development benefits, it will provide strong air power support.

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