Jia Yufei, a cadre of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress: The mission of practicing the behavior of the people with selfless dedication

Author:City Guan Published Time:2022.07.31

Since the occurrence of this round of epidemic, Jia Yufei, a cadre of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, has always fought on the front line of the epidemic prevention and control. When the community where he lives is designated as a high -risk area, he actively contacted the head of the resident point in the community and quickly invested in resistance to resistance. The epidemic line. For a period of time, she has assisted the director of the point, the dean of the dean to carry out various tasks such as nucleic acid testing, supplies of supplies, household inspections, and at the door. Essence

In the process of carrying out the epidemic prevention and control work, Jia Yufei always kept his party membership status, and always gave up on the front line of the epidemic prevention and control as "I am a party member and I go first". "Everyone goes downstairs to do nucleic acids." At the beginning of the epidemic, regardless of the sun or rain, Jia Yifei will notify and remind residents in the community with a horn every day. Especially for the greatest convenience of the disadvantaged group, she came to the door for elderly people, maternal women and residents who had disabled in the body to care for everyone and not leaking everyone.

"She Xiaojia Gu Gu" is a unique quality of the Communist Party members. Jia Yufei is no exception. She entrust her young children to the elderly elderly people, and goes out early and return to the community epidemic prevention and control work every day. However, the child feels wronged because he can't feel the "love" of his mother recently. "Mom, why don't you stay with me anymore recently?" On one occasion, the child took Jia Yifei who was about to go out and asked her with crying. Seeing the child's immature face, there was a sourness in her heart, but she still said to the child firmly: "Mom's current job is to ensure that everyone is safe. Only everyone is safe to accompany you well."

In July, even if the fan was opened, it could not resist the sweaty back, let alone put on the dense protective suit. In the process of distributing antigen reagents, Jia Yufei fainted to the ground several times because of hypoxia, but she still chose to continue working after so slowly. She said, "In this special period, although the conditions are arduous, they cannot fight the epidemic. Party members and cadres are the main force of the prevention and control of the epidemic. strength."

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