Liangbing Town, Antu County Carry out the hidden dangers of gas safety hazards to investigate and rectify

Author:Antu propaganda Time:2022.07.31

In order to do a good job of gas safety in the jurisdiction and prevent and reduce the occurrence of user gas safety accidents, from July 27th to 28th, Liangbing Town, Antu County carried out a rectification of hidden dangers of gas safety to comprehensively prevent various types of gas safety accidents accidents. Essence

During the investigation, the town emergency station staff did whether the liquefied gas tanks in the area under their jurisdiction, whether the liquefied gas tank expired, whether the glue tube was aging, whether the interface was leaked, whether the gate valve was opened, whether the fire equipment was all equipped with the standard allocation and the allocation was fully effective. , Whether the fire channel is unblocked, whether the alarm is installed, and whether the safety warning signs are eye -catching. At the same time, the inspection situation is registered in detail, and the problems of hidden safety hazards discovered are proposed on the spot to propose rectification measures and opinions, and the merchants are required to rectify immediately. In the investigation work, a total of 4 motor vehicle repair department, 1 barber shop, 2 restaurants, 2 barbecue restaurants, 3 production materials sales stores, 21 food stores, a total of four gas safety issues have Establish a rectification of hidden dangers to rectify the period of time. At the same time, the gas problem that the villagers are easy to encounter in daily life explain the on -site explanation, so that the villagers can better understand the risk of fuel, flammable and explosive, and further grasp the operating procedures of the use of gas appliances, and effectively improve the safety awareness of villagers' gas. Preventing safety accidents to ensure the safety of people in the area in the jurisdiction.

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