A phone call, more than 500,000 yuan is gone!Be wary of these fraud routines →

Author:Zhaoqing released Time:2022.07.31

Thousands of frauds can prevent hidden dangers.

Xiaobian collected the recent happened

Typical cases of telecommunications fraud,

When you encounter similar incidents,

Be sure to be vigilant!

One phone call,

Let her lose more than 50,000 ...

A few days ago, Ms. Li, who lives in Foshan, received a call from the staff who claimed to be the "Social Security Bureau". The other party said that she was suspected of medical insurance card fraud, and then transferred the phone to the "Public Security Bureau".

Subsequently, Ms. Li added QQ with "police officer" and downloaded the "distance meeting" software as required by the other party. After entering the meeting, the other party allowed Ms. Li to transfer all funds to the same bank card on the grounds of investigation cases. After operating as required, Ms. Li lost more than 500,000 yuan.

Police reminded that the public prosecutor's organs will not record through telephones, QQ, and WeChat, and there are no procedures for asset inspections or self -evidence, and they will not allow citizens to transfer remittances. They will be immediately hung up immediately after receiving such telephones.

10,000 yuan did not take through it,

Counterattack 5,000 yuan

Recently, Xiao Li, who lives in Qingxi, Dongguan, received a call. The other party asked him if he had a loan demand. Xiao Li Gangqiao had needed, so he talked to the other party. The other party gave Xiao Li a link to download the "Central Plains Loan" APP. After Xiao Li registered his identity information, he submitted a loan application of 10,000 yuan.

After a while, Xiao Li received a notice from the loan application and wanted to withdraw it. As a result, the system showed that his bank account had problems. Xiao Li asked "customer service". As a result, the funds were frozen, and the thawing fee of 5,000 yuan was required to withdraw. Xiao Li turned 5,000 yuan over.

Xiao Li applied for withdrawal after transferring the money. "Customer service" also said that he had previously been illegal operations, allowing him to continue transferring 5,000 yuan ... "I just want to loan 10,000, do he want to lie to me for tens of thousands?!" An angry.

Police reminded: hidden risks of online loans, and some criminals have been deceptive for various fancy reasons, which is invincible. As long as you keep in mind this formula, you will never be routine: Everyone who pays the money first is a fraud!

Fraud is endless,

Anti -fraud soul eight questions,

You have understood a few ~

Finally, give you another one

"Six, eight," to prevent deception, anti -deception,

I hope everyone can be more clear

Learn about the various methods of telecommunications fraud.

Laiyuan: Foshan Public Security Bureau Dongguan City Public Security Bureau National Anti -Fraud Center

Editor: Tan Minhua

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