Guiyang Gui'an introduced 16 Youqiang enterprises, and newly signed investment 30.133 billion yuan Time:2022.07.31

Recently, the reporter learned from the Guizhou Provincial Investment Promotion Bureau that in the first half of this year, Guiyang Gui'an introduced 16 Youqiang enterprises and 38 new contract projects, with contract investment of 30.133 billion yuan.

Investment promotion is the top priority of economic work. Since the beginning of this year, Guiyang Gui Safe has implemented the spirit of the 13th Provincial Party Congress and the Eleventh Party Congress of the Municipal Congress, seized the major policy opportunities and opportunities for the "Strong Provincial Capital" to strengthen the issuance of the No. 2 of New Guofa. Investment in the industrial chain, realize the "double improvement" of the quality of the project contract, and make every effort to promote new results in attracting investment.

In February of this year, the Gui'an New District Office issued the "Several Policies and Measures of the" Strong Provincial Capital "of Gui'an New District (Trial), which clarifies the support of manufacturing development support, software and information technology service industry development support, foreign trade uniform and trade cross -border e -commerce companies. Policy measures such as development support and factor guarantee support, accelerating the development of electronic information manufacturing, advanced equipment manufacturing, new energy vehicles, and new materials "two mains and two specials" industries, helping the "strong provincial capital".

At the first quarter of 2022 in the first quarter of the province's industrial investment online centralized signing ceremony held on March 28 this year, there were 217 "cloud signing" projects, with a total signing amount of more than 100 billion yuan. Among them, Guiyang Gui'an's "Cloud Signing" project has 22 projects, with a total contract of 27.18 billion yuan.

In the high -end equipment manufacturing industrial park in Gui'an New District, the construction of standard factories in the park is in full swing. At present, the park has successively introduced Guizhou Huizhongyi Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Guizhou Dadongfeng Machinery Co., Ltd., and Gui'an New District Bohao Machinery Co., Ltd., through the "house" investment promotion. At the same time, in the existing plant and the construction (renewal) plant, 6 projects are expected to complete the signing of the plant investment in the plant soon.

Data show that as of June 30, the existing standards of the Gui'an New District had a total of 21 new enterprises in China. The signing area of ​​more than 180,000 square meters was signed, and 61.3%of the annual target tasks were completed.

In order to help the majority of enterprises land, the Gui'an New Area has continued to reduce links, excellent processes, and voltage time limit, promote the establishment of quality improvement and efficiency of enterprises, implement the full coverage of the "separation of licenses", and actively explore and practice "one window pass" and "one table application" "One -day ending" and other models, reduce costs and reduce the process of doing business for market players. In the first quarter of 2022, there were 487 new market entities in the new district. As of the end of March, the cumulative market subject reached 23015 households.

A few days ago, Hu Yongqiang, the person in charge of Guizhou Fuber Technology Co., Ltd., logged in to the "One Netcom Office" platform of Gui'an New District. After submitting the corresponding information, it was easy to complete the application process opened by the enterprise. "Don't go back and forth to run the bank and run a social security bureau, you can complete the application according to the prompts on the platform, which is very convenient." Hu Yongqiang said.

In recent years, the Gui'an New District has adhered to the overall situation with high -quality development, focusing on the "four new" main attacking "four modernizations", and focusing on promoting the facilitation of cross -border trade, using the policy of benefiting enterprises, establishing a project tracking service mechanism, etc. He started to actively create a good business environment in the new district, and brighten the "noble service" brand with actual actions, allowing entrepreneurs to invest in peace, entrepreneurship, and develop smoothly in Gui'an New District, and help the project construction running out of "accelerated running".

"We will lead the reform and innovation as the lead, focusing on the" Four New "main attack 'four people', focusing on the new district's" two masters and two specials', continue to deepen the "five -general -run" reform, further promote the implementation of the fair competition review system, and effectively use them to play it. Breaking the positive role of administrative monopoly and improving the efficiency of resource allocation, and helping the high -quality development of the new district. "The relevant person in charge of Gui'an New District said. The Gui'an New District will further increase the investment in industrial projects, closely focus on the industrial capital and industrial funds, and will be transformed into contract projects, transform the contracting project into landing projects, and lay the foundation for the completion of the annual target tasks.

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