WeChat Mini Program on WeChat Mini Program on the City of our city is online

Author:Jiayuguan Radio and TV Station Time:2022.07.31

A few days ago, the city's bus code WeChat mini -programs "fast ride" was officially launched. In the future, when the citizens take a bus, they only need to open the WeChat Mini Program "fast ride" and gently sweep the machine to complete the purchase of tickets to facilitate citizens to travel.

The staff of the municipal bus company told reporters that when the citizens open the ride code, they only need to open WeChat and search for the "fast ride" applet or scan the QR code provided by the bus company, that is, enter the car code page, click on The "Go to the Open" button, follow the prompts to complete the opening process, and open WeChat -free payment. When the citizen rides the car, enter the "ride -ride code" page, and show the QR code to the bus scanning device to complete the ride.

It is understood that the "one person, one code" use rules are implemented by the car code. If you need to take a car, you need to click the QR code to refresh before taking the car. The car code implements the "first ride and the deduction fee" mode. After the code is brushed, it automatically deduct the secret payment method by the signing of the contract. When the balance is insufficient, the WeChat will help the passengers to pay. Continue to ride. At the same time, the ride code is superior to WeChat payment code, which can avoid the problem of deduction before the transaction failure. In addition, the ride code adopts multiple additional secret anti -counterfeiting technology, which can effectively prevent forgiveness and theft and effectively ensure the safety of funds.

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