Biden is four days before Fuyang. Pharma's new crown oral medication Paxlovid goes off the altar?

Author:Daily Economic News Time:2022.07.31

Image source: Visual China-VCG111343979898

Just four days after Yin Yin, the new crown test of the US President Biden showed positive.

On July 30, local time, the President of the White House, Kevin Ocomna, said that Biden received a new crown virus antigen test on the morning and was positive. Biden did not have symptoms and felt good in infection again. At present, there is no need to restore treatment, but it needs to continue to observe and re -enter the isolation.

At the age of 79, Bayeng was diagnosed with a new crown on July 21, and then had symptoms such as runny nose, throat pain, fatigue and other symptoms. On the day of the diagnosis, Biden began to take Phaxlovid Paxlovid (Namartville/Litonova). After 5 days of treatment, on July 26, Biden turned to yin, but was still tested every day. On July 30, Biden was tested again as positive.

In fact, since PaxLovid was authorized by the U.S. urgent use of the United States at the end of last year, the case of "Fuyang" continued to emerge, and the White House chief medical consultant, Fuch, was one of them.

Biden was vaccinated in total, and there were top medical resources blessings. However, after taking PaxLovid, Fuyang still occurred, and it undoubtedly put a shadow of PaxLovid's reputation of the "magic medicine" of PaxLovid. How high is the proportion of Fuyang and what is caused by? Medical researchers gave some hypothesis and estimates, but far from conclusions.

How high is Fuyang rate?

Biden's experience once again pulled Paxlovid's relationship with Fuyang case back to the public vision, but it was not new to rebound the condition after taking Paxlovid. Biden himself said on Twitter that Fuyang would "happen to a small part of people."

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warned in the guidance that patients taking PAXLOVID may have a problem of recurrence 2 to 8 days after recovery. Biden's 4 -day interval is more typical. The reason why the White House doctors do the test every day is to closely monitor whether the infection is recurred.

First of all, it is clear that PaxLovid is still one of the best new crown drugs so far. According to the final result of the PAXLOVID third -phase test released by Pfizer in December last year: taking medicine within 5 days of the disease, compared with the placebo group, the risk of hospitalization/death decreased by 88%, and the virus load decreased by about 10 times.

But the phenomenon of Fuyang does exist. How much is the proportion of Fuyang and what is the reason? Scientists are still inconsistent, related research is being advanced.

According to Pfizer's own data, the third phase of clinical trial shows that about 2%of patients in patients with PAXLOVID treatment after receiving PAXLOVID treatment. The reference group that accepts placebo is 1.5%in the same period of time.

In a statement issued on July 30, Pfizer stated that he would continue to monitor data in the real world and emphasized that he would maintain confidence in the effectiveness of PaxLovid to prevent severe illness. After this week's financial report was released, Pfizer said at the financial report and telephone that Fuyang is relatively rare, and it cannot be said that it has "unique correlation" with any specific drug.

In addition to Pfizer's own data, there are currently few quantitative research on Paxlovid Fuyang cases. A study released by Mayo Clinic (Mayo Clinic) showed that only 0.8%(4) patients had symptomatic Fuyang in 483 high -risk patients who took Paxlovid.

In a study of patients with PAXLOVID patients with PAXLODID patients at the University of Casei and the National Health Institute, 5.4%of the Fuyang rate was discovered within 30 days. (Another approved new crown therapeutic drug, Molnupiravir of Merck also appeared similar to Fuyang rate).

Many practitioners and researchers in practice doctors and researchers believe that these numbers are low according to their contact and hearing, although they do not have strict statistical data. According to the Atlantic Weekly, Bob Wachter, director of the Medical Department of the University of California San Francisco, believes that the real Fuyang rate should be between 10%and 15%. Ann Woolley, the clinical director of the transplant infectious disease in the Blagen Women's Hospital, believes that Fuyang's rate must be higher than 2%, but it should be significantly lower than 20%. Fuqi also said that the 2%data of Pfizer also said, "I want to say that I don't know if I don't know how much it is)."

The research on Fuyang rate continues, of which the British recovery test has attracted much attention from the medical community. According to the plan, this experiment will strictly test the effect of new crown drugs such as PaxLovid on hospitalization patients. Fuki also said that research plans are developing issues such as Paxlovid Fuyang rate and suitable treatment duration.

There are divergent opinions for the reasons for Fuyang

Focusing on the reasons for Fuyang after taking Paxlovid, scientists have proposed several hypotheses. Among them, the most worrying reason is that the new coronal virus has a drug resistance to Paxlovid, which will greatly cause people's confidence in the application prospects of Paxlovid's application.

Fortunately, this possibility has been temporarily discharged. At the University of California, San Diego studied a Fuyang patient in May and did not find new mutations on the protein part of Paxlovid in the virus genome in its body. Researchers also cultivated the patient's virus in the laboratory and found that Paxlovid can still be effectively neutralizing the virus. At present, a more popular point of view of the scientific research community is that because the infected person takes PaxLovid earlier (the symptoms start to take within five days), when the body has not fully identified the virus and mobilized all the immune defense system Some viruses were removed, and the two immune cells of the human body may not have begun to respond.

Therefore, assuming that the five -day PAXLOVID treatment still has a small number of viruses in the body after the end, but the human immune system has not yet been fully activated, they have the opportunity to restart to copy.

Another potential reason may be related to popular strains and immune conditions. When Test PaxLovid, Phaxlovid was a popular new crown strain, and the experimental target was a high -risk group of vaccines. When PaxLovid is widely used, the popular strains have become Omikon, and most of the population has been vaccinated.

Studies have pointed out that Omikon is more inclined to infect the respiratory tract than before. PaxLovid may not stay in the upper respiratory tract for a long time, not enough to completely eliminate the virus.

Some people think that Fuyang has nothing to do with PaxLovid. American infectious disease expert Daniel Griffin said that many doctors who have been consulting with new crown patients have found that the course of the new crown is usually two weeks long since 2020, especially for high -risk groups. He speculated that PaxLovid can inhibit the condition in the first half of the time, but once the five -day treatment is over, the symptoms will appear again. It seems like "Fuyang", but it is actually the continuation of the course of disease.

Do you use the treatment of treatment?

What should I do if I take PaxLovid? The simplest direct idea is to add another course of treatment at the basis of a course of 5 days, which is also a suggestion given by Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla. After the increasing condition after Fuyang, the second course of treatment was taken.

Pfizer is planning to conduct research on immune damage people. It will be better for testing whether the treatment of 10 to 15 days, including whether it can reduce the proportion of Fuyang. Researchers at the University of California San Diego also believe that increasing treatment may reduce the probability of Fuyang.

However, the attitude of US health institutions is more cautious. In the official guidance released in May, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reiterated the opinions of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Ten days. This is also a measure that Biden is currently accepted.

Data from independent researchers and Pfizer show that most of the symptoms of Fuyang patients are milder, and there is no need to be hospitalized. Studies by the American Centers for Centers for Centers for Centers for Centers and the United States Care Association "Kaiser PerManente" found that less than 5,300 patients who took PaxLovid from December last year to May this year, less than 1%of people who were treated after treatment were treated after treatment Inpatient treatment is needed within 5 to 15 days.

In addition to increasing the treatment, some scientists have proposed that they should develop cocktail therapy for the treatment of new crowns like HIV. Timothy Sheahan, a virusist at the University of North Carolina, said that it is not enough for RNA viruses with strong mutant ability such as New Crown. He believes that in the future, there should be a cocktail therapy for combination of a variety of drugs, at least several direct -effective antiviral ingredients should be included.

However, as Fuch repeatedly emphasized in an interview with the media, PaxLovid's purpose was to "protect you from entering the hospital and prevent your symptoms from develop into severe illnesses." At this point, PaxLovid's performance is still excellent.

Daily Economic News

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