"Unlike China, the West" shot towards his own head "on the issue of the West"

Author:Global Times Time:2022.06.16

Zaharava: Western sanctions on Russia are "shot towards their own heads", and also mentioned that China does comparison

According to Reuters on the 15th, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Zaharava said that the West restricted imported from Russia due to Russia -Ukraine's military conflict, which was "shot towards his own head". She also deliberately mentioned comparison in China, thinking that Western practices are compared with China "will not move stones to smash their feet".

Reuters: Russia said that unlike China, the West "shot towards his head" on the Ukrainian issue

Zaharava told reporters on the 15th that Russian -China relations have been tried to provoke off the West, and the United States and its European allies have destroyed their relationship with Moscow.

On June 15th, a spokesman for the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Zaharava's speaking at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum from Foreign Media

"Energy supply is steadily increasing: China knows what it wants and will not move stones to smash its feet. In the west of Moscow, they are shot towards their heads." Zaharava said. She said, "The West will be isolated with us."

Reuters said Zaharava said that the European Union was planning a "suicide" operation that they tried to get rid of the dependence on Russia's energy. But for Germany, Russia has been providing energy for Germany since the most intense period of the Cold War conflict. According to the report, Russia is the world's second largest oil exporter after Saudi Arabia, and is also the world's largest natural gas exporter.

Since the outbreak of Russia and Ukraine's military conflict at the end of February, the European Union has imposed six rounds of sanctions on Russia. At present, the EU is drafting the seventh round of sanctions against Russia. Some EU member states claim that they hope that the new sanctions measures include the embargo on Russia's natural gas. In this regard, Hungarian Prime Minister Olban issued a warning on the 10th that if the EU's embargo Russia natural gas, the European economy may collapse.

Source: Global Network

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