Take you to see the baby collection of Yichang Museum | Read the Yangtze River to understand China -Hubei Qianli Yangtze River Xingxing ︱ Photo ㉒

Author:Yangtze River Time:2022.07.31

Yangtze River Network (Reporter Lu Yingxue) On the morning of July 29th, "Reading China -Hubei Qianli Yangtze River Bank" in the Yangtze River entered the Yichang Museum to explore the distant Gorge River civilization and taste the unique Barchu culture.

Yichang, known as "Yiling" in ancient times, is known as the "Three Gorges Portal" and "Sichuan -Hubei throat". Yichang Museum is a comprehensive museum integrating history, nature, folklore, and ancient construction.

The members of the visiting regiment stopped and watched in front of the treasure of the Yichang Museum town hall- "Chu Jibao Bell". Changjiang.com reporter Lu Shiwen Photo

Yichang Museum Collection -Four Spirit Tao Soul Altar. Changjiang.com reporter Lu Shiwen Photo

Yichang Museum Collection -Pakistani Copper Sword. Photo by Li Ziyun, a reporter from the Yangtze River Daily

The members of the visiting group were attracted by the disk and 匜. The plate and 古 are ancient washing jets. Water injection is used for water, and water is used for water. Photo by Li Ziyun, a reporter from the Yangtze River Daily

The members of the visiting regiment were attracted by the Tiger Nuoyu of the Yichang Museum, the Tiger Nuzzle. Changjiang.com reporter Lu Shiwen Photo

The members of the visit delegation traced the civilization of the Gorge of the Gorge in Yichang Museum. Changjiang.com reporter Lu Shiwen Photo

From July 18th, the Yangtze River Daily and the Yangtze River Network opened topics on the official Weibo and Yangtze River "Yangtze Headline":#to check in! Read the Yangtze River to understand China -Hubei Qianli Yangtze River#.

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【Edit: Xie Yuan】

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