Start in Qingyuan today!

Author:Qingyuan released Time:2022.07.31

Today (July 31), the 16th National Games Athletic Sports Table Tennis Table Tennis Table Table Tennis competition was shot and played in the Gymnasium of the Qingyuan Sports Center. 375 athletes from 18 teams in the province will be one of the week. Decisure to go up.

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This competition is divided into four groups: A, B, C, and Ding. The athletes of each team will start a fierce contest and decide the men's and women's group A, group B, group C group champion, singles champion and double championship. Group and singles projects, so the entire event will eventually decide 22 gold medals.

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Photo by Qiu Weimin, a reporter from Qingyuan Daily

Liu Yitao, the referee of the event, said that table tennis has been developed in elementary school campuses, adding multiple groups of competitions, allowing more children to participate in it, let them feel the happiness brought by table tennis in high -level competitions, and at the same time improve improvement The population base of the ping -pong tennis in Guangdong Province is helpful.


The Qingyuan team focuses on accumulating experience

Multi -bold, high hanging circles, backhand twisted ... In the first day of the field, wonderful competitive pictures were continuously staged on the table, and the atmosphere at the scene was warm, fully showing the unique charm of table tennis.

Photo by Qiu Weimin, a reporter from Qingyuan Daily

"This time the Qingyuan team sent 30 people to participate in 20 single competitions. Because the team time was only more than 2 years. In this competition, the athletes focused on participating, absorbing the experience of the competition, and preparing for the future competition." The relevant person in charge of the Training Competition Division of the Travel Sports Bureau said that the Qingyuan table tennis team has a certain gap with the high -level teams of perennial training in Guangzhou and Shenzhen.

Participating in the three single competitions of the men's group C. Zhong Huashen, from Fogang Er, said, "Every time you play, you will play the results of usual training. . "

At present, the Qingyuan table tennis team did not use traditional sports school training methods to train athletes. Instead, through physical education, they selected talents in various schools and table tennis clubs throughout the city, and trained in the way of spare and winter and summer vacations. With the support of the Municipal Education Bureau, Qingyuan primary and secondary school student table tennis training bases have entered multiple schools, and centralized training on campus is found to find and cultivate more table tennis talents. The "blood" of Qingyuan.

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Qingyuan table tennis masses have a good professional level, professional level is not high

Photo by Qiu Weimin, a reporter from Qingyuan Daily

"Good coaches can do more with less. Qingyuan has no shortage of seedlings on the table tennis project. What is missing is a good coach." The relevant person in charge of the training competition department of the Municipal Culture and Guangshi Sports Bureau introduced that in order to improve the level of coach of the table tennis team, Qingyuan was two years in two years. Li Qiao, who just resigned from the Dutch coach position, hired Li Qiao as the coach of the Qingyuan team. Through the selection and training of the past two years, the Qingyuan team has improved small, but it takes a certain amount of time to gain results.

On behalf of the Shandong team, Li Qiao has participated in domestic competitions. After retiring from the provincial team, he joined the Dutch nationality. He has won the European Table Tennis Federation and the International Table Tennis Federation. He participated in the three Olympic Games on behalf of the Netherlands. After retiring, Li Qiao served as the head coach of the Dutch table tennis men's team.

"Qingyuan's table tennis masses have a good foundation, there are many people who play daily, and the atmosphere is good. But at the professional level, it is not high, and more professional coaches are required." The development of table tennis levels has cultivated more professional talents, and the gap between Qingyuan table tennis and Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other places.

Li Qiao said that through the talent selection and personnel from all over the city, there are still a group of good seedlings in Qingyuan. As long as these excellent seedlings have been cultivated in the cycle of 4 to 5 years, they will make great progress. Due to the short team time, the team's internal goal is to enter the top eight in the overall score, and strive to seek breakthroughs in individual projects and enter the semi -finals.

Qingyuan released the editorial department

Source: Qingyuan Daily

Write: He Fan Huang Xin Wang Keying

Edit: Chen Xiaoyin

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