The "Exit" exhibition appeared in Guangzhou K11, play new experience of turning around

Author:Yangcheng Evening News Yangche Time:2022.08.01

Text/Yangcheng Evening News New Media Reporter Shi Peilin Huang Shi

Recently, the new national art and culture IP -K11 Art Karnival (K11 Art Carnival), a new national art and culture IP, officially created.

As the C11 years of art culture, the K11 Art Carnival will join hands with pioneer artists in various fields to launch a series of multi -art exhibitions, public art guides, and art creation workshops in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Shenyang, and Tianjin. Creativity, culture and innovation brings a rich and diverse artistic experience for the public, especially the younger generation, and promote cross -cultural exchanges. The entire event will last more than three months.

Guangzhou K11 "Little Green Man's World" series of activities and "Exit" UFO Art Project officially launched

As an important stop of the K11 Art Carnival, the opening ceremony of the opening ceremony of the K11 "Little Green Man" series and "Exit" UFO Art Project was officially launched on July 29. The UFO media laboratory of Guangzhou K11 and the Chinese Pioneer Art Group presented their first art project "Export EXIT" that they first landed in Guangzhou. From now until November 6, Guangzhou K11 will integrate exhibition activities, KHUB markets, whole city art co -creation and shopping mad rewards. Explore future lifestyle with everyone.

"Exit EXIT" exhibition site

This exhibition "Export EXIT" explores the thinking and creation of the potential "interface" between art and science, body and media, and try to broaden the boundaries of media art with a series of multiple experiences of physical and sensory.

Guangzhou K11 and the UFO Media Lab carefully designed the clever and complicated roaming exploration space. Taking light, shadow, sound, and architecture as a clue, multi -compulsory viewing path is intertwined in the nearly 500 square meters of space, and various states and sizes were used in various states and sizes. The screen, trying to subvert the traditional exhibition construction logic and create a sense of perception beyond daily experience.

The exhibition uses a new narrative in the new media art language

It is understood that the UFO Media Lab has participated in several important multimedia art festivals and exhibition projects at home and abroad. His founder Wu Yanhui graduated from the Chinese Academy of Fine Arts and currently taught at the Free Art Studio of the Chinese Academy of Fine Arts Cross -Media Art Academy. Wu Yanhui was invited to create a giant multimedia art device "Time Tower" created for Guangzhou K11. Time Tower also updated and iterated, officially met with the public on July 29.

Source | Yangcheng Evening News · Yangcheng School

Picture | Interviewee provided

Editor -in -law | Chen Yuxia

School Delivery | Zhao Dandan

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