How to guarantee that graduates choose flexible employment and labor rights

Author:China Renmin Socialary Media Time:2022.08.01

Through social platforms, Yu Yi Shu from Shandong completed the video recording between the seemingly inadvertent "chatting". After graduating from a master's degree, she became a short video blogger and opened a career different from office workers nine to five.

At present, my country's flexible employment personnel have reached about 200 million people. With the first batch of "post -00s" out of the ivory tower, flexible employment has also become one of the important choices for college graduates.

The elasticity of working hours, autonomous work arrangements, can also take care of their hobbies. It looks like "beautiful" flexible employment, which also makes some graduates worry: how to guarantee labor contracts without signing labor contracts? Who is responsible for hurting? What should I do if the industry is fast and eats a youth meal?

Experts remind that graduates should choose flexible employment, and comprehensively consider social security rights and career development to make long -term planning for personal development.

More and more graduates favors flexible employment

In the summer vacation of 2019, Yu Yi Shu, who was still studying for a master's degree, was blown into the flexible employment track.

On the eve of the IELTS test, she made a "Tucao" video and published on the short video platform.

"Later, there were several more videos that" breaking the circle '. "Gradually touched Yu Yishu of the short video doorway. After graduating from a master's degree in 2021, he officially became a blogger and worked in short video creation in life. At present, there are nearly 800,000 fans.

Online anchors, e -commerce operations, copywriters, etc. are closely related to the Internet. They do not check in, do not sit, do not sit in class, and have flexible employment methods. They are favored by graduates. The "2022 University Student Employment Research Report" released by Zhilian Recruitment shows that 18.6%of the 2022 college graduates chose a freelance, which was 3 percentage points from last year.

Li Qianqian, a fresh graduate of music education, was attracted by the freedom of flexibly employment, and chose to be online piano sparring. "You do n’t need to draw‘ stable ’. You can brush your experience first, save your network, and do it yourself in the future.”

"Graduates from universities have received good education. They choose flexible employment different from the traditional" zero work "." Han Wei, an associate researcher at the Academy of Labor and Social Security Sciences and Secretary -General of the Modern Service Industry Branch of the Chinese Labor Society, told reporters The flexible employment of raw employment, higher employment quality, stronger labor autonomy, and more employment forms, showing obvious digital tendencies.

Labor rights are facing "flexible" risk

Earlier this year, Li Qianqian had a small operation and spent more than 10,000 yuan before and after. This was a lot of expenses for her just job. "After getting sick, I realized that there was medical insurance."

During the interview, the reporter found that many graduates lacked social security awareness as Li Qianqian. According to the current relevant policies, flexible employees can participate in endowment insurance and medical insurance. In some places, they have released social security restrictions on social security to flexible employees.

Shang Siyu, a lawyer of Beijing Jindai Law Firm, pointed out that when choosing a job, college graduates generally consider factors such as salary, industry development, and personal growth. They often ignore social security rights and interests, especially in work injury insurance. Individuals cannot participate in insurance. "It is recommended that graduates choose commercial insurance to supplement based on their own nature."

"Graduates should focus on paying wages, working hours and rest vacations, social security rights, and occupational damage." Han Wei reminded.

Enjoying the freedom of flexible employment also means to bear the risks and pressures accompanied by it.

"Sometimes it takes a few days to make short videos to impress the audience." Yu Yi Shu told reporters that the number of click volume fluctuates greatly, and "explosive models" are difficult to find, which means that her income is very unstable.

Make up rights and interests

As flexible employment shows a large scale, many places and departments have successively introduced policies to escort the flexible employment workers including college graduates.

In 2021, 8 departments such as the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the National Federation of Trade Unions jointly formulated the "Guiding Opinions on Maintaining the Rights and Interests of Labor Insurance of Workers in the New Employment" to increase the protection of labor rights and interests for new employment workers.

This year, the General Office of the State Council issued the "Notice on Further Doing a Between Young Employment and Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurs such as graduates such as universities", and proposed to provide social security subsidies in accordance with regulations for flexible employment for graduates of university college graduates within 2 years of graduation and two years of departure.

For the guarantee of occupational damage with high voices, pilots have been started in many places.

Among them, Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province builds a new model of "work injury+supplement+commercial" insurance, and clearly exerts the internet platform that uses the main role of the worker to participate in the work injury insurance for single insurance for new formats. Professional damage insurance for new business staff, each person pays 360 yuan per person, and the highest claims are 400,000 yuan per person per year.

In January of this year, Yu Yi Shu established his own studio in Shandong, with a total of three members. At present, the studio has successively enjoyed the tax reduction and exemption of small and micro enterprises and the social security retreat policy. She knows that it is not easy to stay on the flexible employment track for a long time, and she needs to run hard. (Some interviewees are pseudonym)

Source: Workers Daily

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