I am a people's police, my "youth" is "olive green" ...

Author:China Police Network Time:2022.08.01

In the first half of my life, olive green;

In the second half of his life, hiding blue and blue.

In the big family of the public security team,

There are such people.

They used to wear military uniforms,

Baojia Wei Guo;


They took off their military uniforms and put on the police uniform,

Keep one side peace.

From "military uniform" to "police uniform"

From the "Officer Certificate" to the "Police Officer Certificate"


The change is the identity,

What is unchanged is the original intention of serving the people!

Dreaming is all the replacement

"From 'Army' Gifts to 'Police' Ceremony, more than 30 years have passed, the characters on my body have changed, and the 'weapon' in my hand has changed. Not shaken ... "

This was taken in front of the army in November 1992. At that time, the squad leader said: "Haiyan's gift is good, give you a" click ", send it home to see it for your parents!" So there was this photo. At that time, I was studying the communication business, studying with class during the day, staying up late at night, and in the days of the exam, dreaming was on behalf of the generation.

In September 1996, I joined the Hengyang Railway Public Security Office, realizing the transformation from a people's navy to the people's police. From the police career, I will continue to work hard, do not neglect, and be a loyal guardian of the party and the people.

——Wang Haiyan, police of Hengyang Public Security Department of Guangzhou Railway Public Security Bureau

I still shouted "to!"

"Although the uniform changed, my red heart did not change to the party, and I ordered me to shout loudly!" I would like to dedicate my youth to the border management of the motherland ... "

I joined the army in December 2011. At that time, I was unknown, wearing a military uniform, wearing big red flowers, and my heart was beautiful. Vaguely memorized the family books written by the recruits to their parents, and the words were full of tender but proud. Later, I was admitted to the Higher Specialty School of the Public Security Border Force. I was proud and nervous when I entered the school gate. Here I also realized the deeper meaning of the soldiers.

I joined the police in 2019 and I worked at the border police station. Although the uniform changed, my red heart did not change to the party. In ten years, I have always obeyed the order as the duty, cracking down on crimes, and building the border of the motherland with youth and blood.

——Seshongfeng Sun Jinfeng, Police Station of the Sandaogou Border Police Station of the Bai Mountain Border Management Detachment of Jilin

These numbers integrate into my blood

"From 4151 to 176 ***, these numbers are integrated into my blood, from olive green to Tibetan blue and blue, these colors engraved with my soul ..."

I joined the army in 2012 in the former Public Security Border Force. At that time, I just graduated from college. I was full of passion to the front -line border inspection work and did a inspector. Excitedly took pictures to his parents, and clearly remembered that he was crying involuntarily on the border of the motherland for the first time, and he remembered more clearly that he took the initiative to help the people in the jurisdiction.

In 2019, we transferred to the first generation of immigration management policemen in the Republic. For the first time, I put on the police uniform and had their own warning number: 176 ***, which belongs to my own number. The people's public security vows for the people.

——Liu Chang, Police of the Hunjiang Border Management Brigade of the Baishan Border Management Detachment of Jilin

Faith does not change standards unchanged

"Military battalion has made me a good ability to practice.

For many years, I still adhere to the unique style of soldiers: hard work, strict discipline, strict discipline, and dedication. What the army turns to the unforgettable military career and usher in a lofty public security cause. Stepping into the police camp from the military camp, the belief is unchanged, and the standard is unchanged.

Today, in my physical strength, I insist on the people's feelings for the people. Under the shining of the police emblem, I actively devoted themselves to the work of the grass -roots police station, and sweat with affection. From the border line to the railway line, the responsibilities and mission of protecting the country and the country are unchanged; from olive green to Tibetan blue and blue, the original intention of serving the people is unchanged.

——Hohhot Railway Public Security Bureau Hohhot Public Security Office Eighteenth Station Police Station Police Station Police Zhu Yonghai

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