Hot ҈ Hot ҈ Hot ҈ Hot ҈ Hot ҈!The strongest high temperature this year is coming!

Author:Laosi Time:2022.06.16

The strongest high temperature since this year is coming! From June 15th to the 22nd, the high temperature in the north has returned. The highest temperature in Zhengzhou, Jinan and other places can reach 40 ° C or more. The long temperature duration of high temperatures in some areas is rare in the same period.


High temperature affects 12 provinces and regions

Impressions in many places 40 ℃

According to the forecast of the Central Meteorological Observatory, from the 15th to the 22nd, there will be continuous high temperature weather in many places in the north, from 17 to 18 as the strongest period. Hebei, Henan, Shandong, Hubei, Jiangsu, Anhui, Anhui, Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Ningxia, Xinjiang, Gansu and other regions of 12 provinces can reach 35 ° C to 38 ° C, and the local area can reach about 40 ° C.

Min Yuqiu, a meteorological analyst of China Weather Network, said that the high temperature of this round is wide, strong, and long -lasting. High temperatures will appear in most areas north of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River; the duration is more than 8 days; the highest temperature around Henan is 40 ° C+, and high temperature intensity in Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Henan, and Shandong is rare during the same period.

In the next 6 days, Zhengzhou, Jinan, Xi'an, Taiyuan, and Shijiazhuang have all arrived at high temperatures, and the heat will continue to be offline. Yinchuan, Hohhot and other places will also reach more than 4 days.

From the intensity of high temperature,

From the 18th to the 20th, the highest temperature of Jinan will be above 39 ° C for 39 ° C for 39 ° C, and will reach 41 ° C. To this end, the highest value in the high -temperature provincial capital -level cities will also break the highest local temperature in mid -June. Record.

On the 16th, the first 40 ° C may occur this year, and the maximum temperature will continue to be above 38 ° C in the next 6 days. Xi'an also lasts for 6 days to be above 38 ° C, and it will also impact 40 ° C on the 20th.

Hohhot will have a high temperature for 4 consecutive days, and the temperature will reach 37 ° C on the 17th, which is also very rare for Hohhot in June.


Central Meteorological Observatory continues to release

High -temperature yellow warning

Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue high -temperature yellow warning at 06:00 on June 16:

It is expected that during the day of June 16, high temperature weather above North China, Huanghuai, and east of Northwest China, and southern Xinjiang Basin will appear above 35 ° C. Among them, southern Hebei, south of Shanxi, most of Henan, western Shandong, western Shandong The highest temperature in northern Anhui, northern Hubei, southeast Shaanxi, and western Inner Mongolia, central Ningxia, and southern Xinjiang Basin 37-40 ° C, and the local area can reach 40 ° C.


Why is this round of high temperature in the north

Come so fierce?

Why is this round of high temperature in the north so fierce?

Min Yuqiu introduced that in the next few days, the northern high -pressure spine control lasts for a longer duration. Coupled with the heating current to strengthen the north, the temperature has continued to soar.


Do a good job of heatstroke and cooling

High temperatures are coming, the weather is sunny and hot, and residents from various places must take sun protection measures to supplement water in time. Elderly people, children, pregnant women, weaknesses, and patients with respiratory, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular and other diseases should avoid going out at noon at noon.

In high temperature weather, in order to distribute the thermal energy in the body, the pores are expanded and sweating. At this time, if it is overly greedy or cold and hot, it will easily lead to a cold in summer, commonly known as the heat injury wind. When using the air conditioner, it is best not to set the temperature below 26 ° C, and the home needs to open the windows to change the air regularly. When entering the air -conditioned room from the hot outdoor, sweat in advance.

In addition, epidemic prevention personnel must also be prepared for heatstroke prevention. If the outdoor nucleic acid signs of heat stroke, it should communicate with the staff in time to supplement the physiological saline and transfer it to the cool place as soon as possible to relieve the symptoms.

Source: Xinhuanet WeChat Comprehensive China Weather Network

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