Ma Jixiao: Further strengthening the treatment of labor modeling and recuperating work to vigorously create a society that advocates labor

Author:Qinghai Pu Law Time:2022.08.01

Qinghai News Network · Damei Qinghai Client News Recently, Ma Jixiao, vice chairman of the Provincial CPPCC and chairman of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, went to Hainan Province to investigate the recuperation of labor models and attended the sixth batch of labor models (employees) for the 6th Provincial Federation of Trade Unions in 2022 The ceremony and the unveiling ceremony of the recuperation base of Hainan Province (employee) therapy base were discussed with participating in the sixth batch of recuperation labor model representatives, and listening to the opinions and suggestions of the treatment of the treatment of recuperation.

During the discussion with the model representatives of the labor model, Ma Jixiao emphasized that the model of labor is a flash group in the working class of our country. Organizing and carrying out the recuperation activities of the modeling treatment is an important manifestation of the care of the whole society to care for and protecting the model. The model workers who participate in the recuperation activities and the "double hardships" front -line workers must cherish the honor, be good examples, sing the most glorious labor, the most lofty labor, the greatest labor in labor, the greatest labor. , The most beautiful era of the time of labor; we must vigorously promote the spirit of model workers, the spirit of labor, and craftsmanship, and create a better life through labor; to actively publicize the beautiful Qinghai, tell the story of Qinghai, the story of the labor, and the model of the work model of Qinghai. A good image; we must strengthen communication with each other, share labor results, exchange work experience, learn from each other, learn from the stones of his mountains, and continuously enhance the work ability and level; , To accumulate energy and stimulate capacity, invest in work with fuller enthusiasm, and contribute wisdom and strength to accelerate the construction of "six modern new Qinghai".

Source: Qinghai Daily Author: Dong Hui

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