Poster | Summer travel, these "epidemic prevention" measures must be remembered!

Author:Palm Spring City Time:2022.08.01

It's summer,

You have a travel plan, you

Which epidemic prevention measures need to pay attention to?

according to

"New Coronary Virus Pneumonia Prevention and Control Plan (Ninth Edition)"

Low -risk zone implements the latest requirements of "personal protection and avoiding gathering"

Don't forget when you travel

Tighten the epidemic to prevent and control this string!

Do a good job of personal protection, scientifically arrange the itinerary,

Raise a sense of security and travel civilized and safe.

The epidemic is not over

Summer travel

Please continue to take the initiative to do personal protection

Focus on epidemic prevention policies, cooperate with epidemic prevention work

- END -

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The Office of the Leading Group of the New Crown Pneumonia Echigraphy of Lanzhou C...

Xinjiang, the place where the general secretary is concerned

Source 丨 Xinhua News Agency