The arms sales of Taiwan and the "Xianghui" confront each other, exposing the two sides of the US policy to China

Author:Chinese network Time:2022.06.16

In the context of Russia and Ukraine's conflict, the hype of the United States on the Taiwan issue is obviously increasing. Although Biden made a "four unintentional" statements in the first video meeting of the US dollar in March, it was the so -called "listening to its words" and "watching it." Judging from the performance of different words and deeds in the United States, not only did it not fulfill the promise of "four unintentional". Recently, the United States has once again accused China at the "Shangri -La dialogue" conference. These are the repeated performances of their words and deeds.

Due to the new crown pneumonia's epidemic, the 19th "Shangri -La Dialogue" meeting was restarted in Singapore after a lapse of three years. As the largest and most specified multilateral security conference in the Asia -Pacific region, the "Shangri -La Dialogue" meeting has become an important platform for defense diplomacy in the Asia -Pacific region, and it is also the "1.5 -track diplomacy" and "2 -track diplomacy". Important places.

On June 11, 2022, local time, Singapore, the 19th Shangri -La Dialogue was held in Singapore. South Korean Minister of Defense Li Zhongzheng held talks with US Secretary of Defense Austin and Japanese Defense Minister Anfu. Figure/People's Vision

During this dialogue meeting, US Secretary of Defense Austin continued to ignite on regional security issues, and also hit a rake. It was believed that China took the so -called "more coercion and aggression" attitude towards the surrounding. Some disputes are planted in China and hype "Chinese threat theory", trying to draw more countries in the Asia -Pacific region to "difficulty" to China.

In terms of Taiwan -related issues, in addition to rendering the normalized military drills of the PLA in the Taiwan Strait region as the Chinese side attempting to change the current situation of the Taiwan Strait, the United States has always shot heavy bombs, claiming that its policy on Taiwan has not changed. Taiwan independence ", but opposed the unilateral change of the status quo, insisting that cross -strait differences must be resolved in a peaceful way. The Japanese Prime Minister Kishida also hyped up the so -called "today's Ukraine today may be the East Asia of Tomorrow" in the keynote speech, and rendered the so -called "South China Sea issue", which clearly cooperated with the United States against China.

In this regard, China also clearly made the "red line". Chinese State Councilor and Minister of Defense Wei Fenghe expressed a firm position, emphasizing that "if someone dares to split Taiwan out, the Chinese army will do not hesitate to fight. 'Slimage map conspiracy, resolutely maintain national sovereignty and territorial integrity. "

On the eve of the meeting, the Biden government announced the fourth military purchase case within his tenure, which will provide $ 120 million naval ship components and related technical support. The army's purchase case is expected to be officially effective after 1 month. The Biden government has passed the military sales of Taiwan four times since it came to power. The United States has repeatedly argued that this is based on the "Relations Law with Taiwan" and fulfills the so -called "six guarantees" security commitments with actual actions, showing the United States' attention to assisting Taiwan to strengthen defense. Although the military purchases have continued the "normalization" of the Trump administration to Taiwan's military sales, there are some differences in the specific content and the past.

At present, three of the four military sales are mainly based on the planned paid and maintenance of the existing equipment of the Taiwan Army. What the Taiwan Army wants the most to help them develop the so -called "asymmetric combat power" weapons. For example, the AGM-158 combined air-defense zone missile missile and the previously withdrawn M1096A self-firing cannon. However, such weapons have not agreed to sell.

This fully shows that the two sides of the US military sales of Taiwan's military, on the one hand, hope to sell military fire to Taiwan at a high price through military sales, provoke China, and use the "close" relationship between Taiwan and the United States; on the other hand, not It is willing to excessively stimulate China and cause regional tight situations, so there is a choice and "restraint" on the sales weapon. It only wants to "ignite the wind" in the situation in the Taiwan Strait, but does not want to make the Taiwan Strait a new "explosion point." However, in any case, the military sales of Taiwan are seriously damaging China's sovereignty and security interests, and China has resolutely countermeasures.

On February 7, 2022, local time, the US State Department spokesman Pois attended a press conference. According to Taiwan's "Central News Agency", the U.S. State Department announced on the same day to approve the selling of "Patriot" system engineering service plan worth $ 100 million in Taiwan. Figure/People's Vision

It can be seen that the response to the military purchase of the military is relatively plain, and many green camps are still "looking forward" the next military purchase. However, the increasing number of US -Taiwan military sales is not only not conducive to maintaining peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait area, but will instead make Taiwan's increasingly militarized and fortunes, and then tie Taiwan on the "Indo -Pacific Strategy" chariot in the United States. Push Taiwan to the forefront of conflict in the region.

Prior to the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine conflict, the United States continued to "arch fire" and challenge between Russia and Ukraine, lest it without a conflict between Russia and Ukraine. After the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine conflict, the United States and its allies did not sincerely promote the peaceful resolution of the two sides, but continued to continue the fire through military assistance and other methods. Only some politicians and arms dealers of the United States and Ukraine were made from the West and Ukraine from the Russian and Ukraine War. The people who left Ukraine were sores and the people were displaced or even lost their lives. The fire that the West in the United States in Ukraine has not extinguished, and it has frequently "arched fire" in East Asia. Its intentions are not sinister.

As the current global situation continues to be tight and turbulent, the "Shangri -La Dialogue" conference, as a offline meeting, should also be a platform for rational communication, pragmatic dialogue, and control of different parties in all parties, and should not become a stage for a few countries to speculate and rendering regional tensions. Essence At this meeting, despite the confrontation between China and the United States, the efforts to jointly build a more mature crisis communication mechanism have also begun, which highlights the background of the United States in the context of the continued confession of Russia and the Taiwan Strait. Involved in the Taiwan Strait conflict, trying to "decompress" Sino -US relations. This is coherently coherent with the "unintentional conflict with China" claimed by the Bayeng government. With the continued low sluggish domestic polls, high inflation, and high inflation, and the election election at the end of the year, the Bayeng government has always tried to find new balance points in the "strategic blur" and "strategic clear" of Taiwan, and continue to falsely falsehood Turn and empty the principle of China. At the same time, when the epidemic on the island continues, the DPP authorities are inadequate and the "nine -in -one" election is not good, and they should be more alert to accelerating the driving "Taiwan independence" and provoking the mainland's adventure action for political private interests. , Make the Taiwan Strait situation facing greater risks.

Author: researcher at Taiwan and East Asia Research Center of Xiongxing Huazhong Normal University

Responsible editor: Le Shui Enron Zhang Yanling

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