Xinjiang Altay launched the "Thousands of Teachers into Wanjia" and everyone visited the event

Author:Altay Daily Time:2022.08.01

Recently, the reporter learned from the Education Bureau of the Altay area of ​​Xinjiang that in order to build a benign interactive platform, build a bridge of communication from home schools, promote the effective connection of home school education, form a joint effort for education, and promote the healthy and safe growth of students. "Thousands of teachers entering thousands of family" everyone visited the event.

During the event, the schools were carefully arranged and carefully deployed, and the teachers visited the teachers carefully "preparing lessons", and entered different students' families according to their plans and division of labor. Talking with parents to talk about the situation of students at home through the promotion of their parents, feedback students' performance at school, and publicize the national education policy policies, the characteristics of school running concepts, and daily management requirements, scientific family education methods and psychological psychological psychology Health knowledge, guide parents to establish the concept of scientific education, focus on cultivating children's self -confidence and living ability, and widely solicit opinions and suggestions on parents, schools and education.

"This activity further improved the targetedness, purpose, and effectiveness of youth education, promoted the exchanges and cooperation between home and school, eliminated parents' doubts and puzzles for school education, and established a harmonious and efficient home. The school education environment has reached the good expectations of students' joy, parental satisfaction, and practical teacher. "Guo Bin, director of the second senior middle school office of the region.

As of now, the regional visits have been carried out 5,700 (times), and more than 43,600 students visit students.

Altay Daily All -Media Intern Reporter Wang Junnan

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