Huangpu District's notice on July 31 to carry out the entire nucleic acid testing of the entire region

Author:Guangzhou Huangpu released Time:2022.08.01

Huangpu District's notice on July 31 to carry out the entire nucleic acid testing of the entire region

Friends of residents in Huangpu District:

According to the need for prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, our district is scheduled to be at 8: 00-12: 00 am on July 31, 2022, 14: 00-21: 00 pm to carry out the entire staff nucleic acid testing in batches Essence The relevant matters are announced as follows:

I. Please follow the instructions of the community of the streets and towns in order to conduct nucleic acid testing in an orderly manner in order to achieve "inspection should be inspected" to ensure that you do not leak a household and one person.

2. Please bring a smartphone and prepare the sampling code of the WeChat mini program "Cantonese Nucleic acid 2" in advance in order to sample the fast and efficient inspection at the scene. You can use the same phone to add a QR code to the elderly and children in the family.

3. Please do a good job of personal protection during testing. Wear masks throughout the journey and keep more than 1 meter with others. Do not talk or gather. Once the staff command, enter and exit the venue as required to avoid long -term stays.

If the new crown vaccine is vaccinated within 48 hours, nucleic acid testing is not performed for the time being. Please explain the situation to the community staff in time, and then sample after 48 hours of vaccination.

5. Please hold the "Yuekang Code" yellow code or the resident friends who receive the SMS reminder.

6. Before the results of nucleic acid testing are issued, please minimize travel without participating in gathering activities. If there are symptoms such as fever, dry cough, fatigue, smell and taste, diarrhea, and diarrhea, please take protective measures to avoid taking public transportation and go to the nearby medical institutions to send a hot clinic.

For your health of you and others, please cooperate with the majority of residents and friends to do this nucleic acid testing together.

Xinduan pneumon pneumon in Huangpu District, Guangzhou

Office of the Prevention and Control Headquarters

July 31, 2022

Source 丨 New Guanye pneumonia in Huangpu District, Guangzhou City

Office of the Prevention and Control Headquarters

Edit 丨 Yira

Review 丨 Yilong

Review 丨 Yini

Issuing 丨 Xu Qingyang

Produced 丨 Huangpu District Rong Media Center

Reprinted, please indicate 丨 Guangzhou Huangpu Posted

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