"The flag fluttered to the party" in Zhejiang Province to celebrate the 95th anniversary of the founding army of the Chinese People's Liberation Army was held in Yuhang, Hangzhou

Author:Hangzhou House Time:2022.08.01

The mission is extremely glorious. On the afternoon of July 31, the "military flag fluttered to the party" Zhejiang Province celebrated the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.

The performance was hosted by the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, the Yuhang District Committee of the Hangzhou City of the Communist Party of China, the People's Government of Yuhang District, Hangzhou City, and the leading group of the Yinzheng and the people in Hangzhou Yuhang District. , Hangzhou Yuhang District People's Government and Hangzhou Yuhang District Cultural Museum is implemented.

Zhejiang Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, Armed Police Zhejiang Corps, Provincial Retired Military Affairs Department, Hangzhou Culture, Radio, Television Tourism Bureau, Yuhang District Party Committee Government, Tanshan Town and relevant departments, representatives of some officers and soldiers in Zhejiang troops and some retired soldiers representatives And the militia reserve personnel participated in the event.

"The flag fluttered to the party" in Zhejiang Province to celebrate the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. The literary performance of the Chinese People's Liberation Army passed the three chapters of "blood military soul", "fish and water affection", and "war drums". The glorious tradition of heroic and fighting, enthusiastically praised their willingness, dedication, and extremely firm beliefs and responsibilities.

The performance kicked off in the magnificent chorus "Chinese People's Liberation Army's Army Song", singing a magnificent chapter of the original heart and mission. The song and dance "Good Man is to be a soldier", recitation and dance "Haixia", combined "My Youth You Don't Understand" and other programs vividly interpreted red genes and heroes, bringing the audience into a revolutionary era full of pride. The Allegro "Seeing You Mother", the scene recitation "There is a Spring", the song and dance "Working Hands" shows the affectionateness of the people's army and the people with the same fate, and the hearts of the people. The scene song performance "Bing Zhe" and the drum music "War Drums" even more the audience felt the mighty and majestic posture of the people's Liberation Army on the hot land of Zhejiang, and stimulated unlimited resonance. The chorus "Strong Army War Song" composed of retired veterans, active soldiers, non -commissioned officers, specialized martial arts cadres, and militia representatives will push the party to a climax. This event also specially invited nearly 30 directors and actors who retired from the troops in the province's cultural museums to participate in the creation and performances. Multiple programs in Yuhang District participated in it, bringing together literary and artistic power and spreading the revolutionary spirit.

"The strong country must strengthen the army and the army can only be able to national security." In recent years, the province's cultural and tourism system focuses on the party's goal of the strong army under the new situation, actively carry out cultural entry camp activities with the characteristics of the times, and strive to guide the majority of party members, cadres, and people The masses are promoter and practitioners who are the spirit of red spirit. Yuhang District also continuously innovates the brand of cultural and military activities, forming a strong atmosphere of military -civilian integration and deep fish and water. Fuxing condenses strong power.

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