The new social class of Qingdao Social Livelihood Service Troupe visited retired veterans

Author:Volunteer Qingdao Time:2022.08.01

On the occasion of the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, they respect and care for the old soldiers. On the morning of August 1st, the new social class of Qingdao Social Livelihood Service Group and the Qingdao City Yun Holdings Group Tunnel Bus "Warm" volunteer team came to the elderly in the elderly of the retired soldiers of Badahu Street, Shinan District to visit and listen to inspirational story.

The old man of Liu Haiqing is 86 years old and is a 63 -year -old man -turned soldier. His wife has been alone after the death. The two children have lived abroad as a foreign aid expert for a long time. They are reunited once many years. On weekdays, the elderly can't help loneliness and loneliness.

With a lofty respect for the veterans, volunteers sent fruits, milk and other daily necessities, asked the elderly's physical condition, and listened to the story of the elderly. The elderly Liu Haiqing shared his own experience in the process of being a soldier, and vividly reproduced the touching deeds of the revolutionary seniors, selfless dedication, and loyalty to the country; it told the development of the company's development, dedication to the job in the work, carried forward the vanguard model after the transfer of his job, and carried forward the vanguard model. The experience shows the true nature of retired soldiers who "not retreat and retire".

"Grandpa Liu told us with his own experience that we must be grateful to the hard life that comes hard today, work hard, and become the talents of the country." Chu Yu, volunteer of Qingdao University of Science and Technology. "In the past, I only learned about the battle story from books and film and television works. Today I heard Grandpa Liu told the unforgettable past, and felt particularly excited and shocked." Said Su Hang, a volunteer of Qingdao Huanghai College.

Zhang Xu, deputy secretary -general of the Qingdao New Association, said that the condolences and visiting activities aim to promote the glorious tradition of Qingdao, a model city of the country, and send care to the veterans' hearts, and effectively enhance the sense of honor and happiness of the veterans. sense. We must take the revolutionary ancestors as an example, inherit the spirit of redness, and inspire the new social class representatives in the city to work hard to build a new era of socialist modernization in the new era and accelerate the contribution Power, welcome the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with practical actions! (Correspondent: Zhang Xu)

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